AVID CW operator needed for new product beta testing

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AVID CW operator needed for new product beta testing

Post by sumnere »

I have a unique opportunity for an avid CW operator who would like to volunteer their time as a beta tester for a new distinctive electronic keyer. The keyer is designed for comfort, smooth operation and simplicity. To my knowledge nothing like it is available in its entirety on the market today. This really is a one of a kind keyer.

I seek only one CW operator, to whom I will ship a prototype unit (no cost to you) for use over the next few weeks. All I ask is you put it through the pace and with an open mind critique its usability.

You must meet the following qualifications:
A) Ham operator.
b) Be highly proficient at CW.
c) Active CW operation for a minimum of 12-15 hours during the beta period.
d) Comfortable with an iambic form of an electronic keyer.

You will be required to sign a non-disclosure and non-competitive form.

In return for your efforts I provide you, free of charge, one unit when the final configured design is complete.

I have used this (my) design over the last few months and find it to work perfectly. However, and sadly, I am not an avid CW operator and limited in putting it through it’s speed and performance paces.

Further details will be sent to those who email me with interest and details of your operating skills and time spent.

Please feel free to ask questions. I hope to release the product in the next few months based on feedback.

Those interested in product information and release may also email me and will be notified of special pricing just prior to its full release.

Thank you.

Email to: Sumnere@aol.com
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