Update help needed

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Update help needed

Post by KC5YN »

About 18 or so years ago I had a 50' tower with a TH6DXX, 6m 4 element yagi (not much activity then), Ringo Ranger 2m vert and an inverted 'V' cut for 40m. It was an OK setup then, but am starting over now.

Interested in some rag chewing on 40m and would like to try for DXCC within a year. Have full legal limit power when needed.

On the ground I have a 2 element 40m yagi, G5RV variant and a 2m vert. and a 48' BHX self supporting tower.

As I have 4 acres (and a reasonably understanding XYL) I'd like to add at least one 60-80' tower as I don't know if 48' will best serve the 40m yagi? Between trees and a couple of 35' poles I can add some wire antennas.

With the WARC bands to the new mulit band yagis really perform?

Sorry for rambling, but didn't know where to start. Your thought appreciated.
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Re: Update help needed

Post by K4ICL »


Every antenna site is different but here are some thoughts on your question.

A 40 meter yagi is quite large, so large it's use on a single tower might be the way to go. I suggest using a 48 foot tower for the 40 meter antenna. If this tower can be a crank down to allow you to work on the antenna without hiring a crane, so much the better.

Using a second taller tower place the smaller multiband (with WARC) beam in another area of the field, perhaps nearest the shack. Attach your inverted V dipoles to that tower with suitable standoffs. At the very top, add a VHF/UHF discone. This arrangement might give you the best of both worlds, a dedicated 40 meter rock crusher and suitable needed antennas for the other bands. (On my 40 foot tower I have a triband beam, a 6m log periodic, inverted V's and a top-placed discone. Works for me.)

With the WARC bands to the new mulit band yagis really perform? Yes, depending on the design, etc. Check the manufacturer's specs. All multiband antennas are a set of design compromises, so stay with the dedicated 40 meter yagi for best results on that band.

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