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Eimac Tetrode Tube Identification help.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:42 pm
by kc0ax

I recently purchased half a dozen 8122 Tetrode tubes in a "Lot" sale. Under close examination, All the tubes were either RCA's or Burles.
But... to my surprise....1 of them is an Eimac, Its ID markings are CDTA2236. Pics included.
All these tubes are Medical pulls, Can anyone help me ID what this tube is?

Thanks and 73's
Modified 2.1.jpg
Modified 3.1.jpg

Re: Eimac Tetrode Tube Identification help.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:54 pm
by K8BYP
That looks like a new one. No fingerstock marks.