Scammer Alert: W3FNZ imposter

For reports of scammers using other people's callsigns. Remember that any callsigns listed in this forum are likely innocent bystanders (subjects of identity theft) and, thus, are probably not guilty of anything. For bad transactions with verified ham operators, use the Feedback Forum instead.
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Scammer Alert: W3FNZ imposter

Post by N8VZ »

Someone posing as Walt W3FNZ tried to buy a radio from me. It had all the red flags for a scammer: Wanted to pay by check (when I said PayPal or USPS MO only), offered to pay more than what I was asking, and his IP address was NYC rather than W3FNZ's QTH in Pennsylvania. I contacted the real Walt W3FNZ, who confirmed that it was not he that contacted me. So, beware of anyone posing as W3FNZ and using the email address of Walt's actual email address is on -- 73 de Carl N8VZ
Carl J. Denbow
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:36 pm

Re: Scammer Alert: W3FNZ imposter

Post by W6CAW »

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