Scammer alert

For reports of scammers using other people's callsigns. Remember that any callsigns listed in this forum are likely innocent bystanders (subjects of identity theft) and, thus, are probably not guilty of anything. For bad transactions with verified ham operators, use the Feedback Forum instead.
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Joined: Fri May 13, 2022 10:08 pm

Scammer alert

Post by KO4ZNE »

Welp.. Got took. Here are the details so maybe you don't.

Numbers used 614.859.2662 and 424,258.8346

Payment names: Brenda Frary and Sandra Williams

Call sign used. N1ETT

Email address:

Claimed to be "a honest hard working ham" and "I am 80 and have stage 3 cancer". Had photos of equipment that did not show up in an image search. Also found he was hopping numbers and using google voice. Be careful out there. This guy is a ham and has knowledge of what he claims to be selling. What a nasty person. Do all hams a favor and die in a fire or something.

Anyway.. hope this keeps someone else from getting took. If your dealing with someone via text give their phone a call. If its google voice its a huge red flag that I didn't pay enough attention to.
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