Echolink System

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Echolink System

Post by N2GOZ »

Hello to all. If anyone has Echolink and would like to check out the system, connect to N2GOZ-R node 131640 and throw out your call. We have probably the most connects at all times for all the stations listed in the -R and -L station list. As of now, we cover most of the East Coast from New Hampshire to Florida on a daily basis with plenty of activity thruout the day. We have discussions ranging from technical topics about repeaters to computers, VoiP, auto mechanics, sports trivia, what is the best beer to drink, ect. We also have some comedians on the system to keep everyone laughing, sometimes it gets a little out of hand, but never any fighting. Hope to hear you on the system. You can also check out the website: and that will give a little more info.---------------Dave N2GOZ
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