I'm new to the radio world, can you please help me out?

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I'm new to the radio world, can you please help me out?

Post by andykreamer »

I am looking to buy a radio system for use by an ecology field research team. I have some questions because I am new to the radio world. I would really appreciate any help you can give.
1- what is the difference between the two radios below? Or basically, what is the advantage of UHF or VHF? We will be in wide open spaces and also in wooded creek zones, needing to communicate over 60 miles approximately.
(HYT) TM 610 MOBILE RADIO UHF 400-470 MHz 128CH 25W

(HYT) TM 610 MOBILE RADIO VHF 136-174 MHz 128CH 25W

2- My next question is, do we need licenses to operate these radios in the US, and also what about Africa? Also, are the radios difficult to use if someone has never used one before?

3- I've been told by colleagues that we can install a radio in our car, (probably one of yours like I pasted above) and then have hand-held radios that we can walk around with. The radio in the car will act as a 'repeater' or antennae so to speak, to send our signal 50 miles to the other car, and then on to the other hand-held radios.
Does this sound plausible to you? If you have a combination of products that you could suggest to me to meet these needs, I would greatly appreciate it!

4- Several people have told me that Codan makes 'the standard' in radios to suit these needs. Do you agree or not and why?

Thank you so much,
Andy Kreamer
Posts: 229
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:35 pm
Location: northwest wisconsin

Post by k9yli »

first off, those are commercial frequencys in the US so yes, you need a license. mostly just apply for it and pay the fees.

yes you will need a license in almost any country in the world. and it may be difficult in foreign countrys. Think months to longer of wait time.

UHF is basically line of site radio. Not likely to make it 60 miles evon over flat terrain.
VHF better but not likely to be reliable at 25 watts. Absolute reliability maybe in the 100w range.

So collect all the specifics, terrain,reliability, repeater function, hand held to vehicle range, ruggedness required,(dust ,dirt, rain etc,bouncy roads)
power sources, battery recharge capability,

and then Contact a local 2 way radio shop, they can give you the details on the equipment to do the job and the US license requirements.

Out of country, contact the country web site if possible or an embassy on consulate in the US.
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