I have approached Kewood / Alinco / RF Parts and Bob Heil to see if they could donate a Shortwave Radio to this boy in need.
If there are any stations outside the USA that find it expesive to send QSL cards, Please send them to myself and I will cover postage exspences to get them to Joshua.
Chris Wright VK2UW
Po Box 9443
Lighthouse Beach
Port Maquarie
New South Wales
Australia 2444
Dear Ham Friends;
I would like to tell you about my cousin, his name is Joshua. Joshua is 10 years old and lives in Michigan.
A year ago when Josh was 9 he and his Grandfather were walking on the sidewalk when Joshua was run over by an out of control car. Joshua was dragged under the car from the driveway of one house into the front yard of the house next door. Joshua's Grandfather held Joshua's head together until Life Flight and Paramedics arrived. Life Flight flew Joshua to the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Joshua was not expected to live.
Joshua under went 4 operations with 7 units of blood in 24 hours (19 hours of operating time). During the past year the Doctors have tried to save his badly broken legs. As of December 2003 Joshua has had 19 operations with more scheduled. The main problem now is his internal organs are starting to break down due to all of the medicine and infections during the past year. Joshua's next two operations have been pushed back while the Doctors decide whether to remove his legs or if his internal organs will handle more.
Joshua is being home schooled by his Mother and Grand Mother and doing very well. Joshua is taken to physical therapy, which is a two-hour drive, each way.
I talked to Joshua's Grandmother and she told me her wish is that one person in each state pray for Joshua. I told her I would do what I could through the use of amateur radio. I received a few QSL cards and sent them to Joshua. Joshua enjoyed them so much his Mother put a large map on his bedroom wall so he could see where the cards come from. Joshua loves QSL cards and looks foreword to receiving them.
My SPECIAL REQUEST is this. Could you please make out a QSL card, or a post card if you do not have a QSL card for Joshua. Put anything on it you wish (hope you feel better soon, thinking of you or we are praying for you). Please send the cards to me and I will foreword them to Joshua. My address can be found on QRZ.COM and BUCKMASTER. Joshua needs your cards and I need your help.
Thank you for helping
Larry Plummer (AE6AV)
PO Box 5019
San Diego, CA., 92165
Let's Help Joshua, he needs all the help he can get.
Let's Help Joshua, he needs all the help he can get.
Chris Wright
How is Joshua
Just came across this thread and was wondering how the situation is with Joshua. Any updates?
Phil - W4AIN
On The Air Communications
On The Air Communications