Ham Operator GREED
Ham Operator GREED
Well I am going to say what I am sure many Hams visiting this and other swap sites are thinking. Why the hell are most of you guys selling USED, sometimes VERY USED equipment for 80-100% of new prices. Ham radio is on the decline for several reasons one of them is the access to AFFORDABLE equipment. Anyone asking 90% for a well used piece of equipment should be ashamed of themselves. They are doing themselves and more importantly the Ham community a huge disservice. I have been into ham for 30 years and it was not always like this. I can honestly say I am disgusted and the level of greed exercised by a growing number of hams. Anyone thinking of buying used equipment should do a little research and you may find that MANY of the people selling used equipment on this site are asking almost new prices. And if they say it is still under warranty, you better check that out to because the manufacturer may not transfer warranties. So is it worth it to save $50 dollars on a piece of equipment selling for just over $700 new? I can site COUNTLESS examples. One being the FT 857D which sells for around $700 (with the separation kit) new if you look around, while some on the site are/were asking almost the same price and the radio is 2 years old! If you want your equipment to be worthless in 10 years keep the prices high so no up and coming hams can afford equipment and not get into the hobby. If you are not selling antiques or collector radios/equipment chances are that prices go down. Just because you paid $500 for something 5 years ago does not warrent you selling it for the same price or more. Thanks but I think I will buy new from now on! Shame on you and you know who you are!
MY friend you have said a mouth full.
NOT long ago an amp was listed on this site and I always check to see what the items sold for new before I buy,I emailed the person who had it listed and ask why he was wanting more for the amp now than it cost new almost 15 years ago and I was told in a rude manner that if I didn't like the price to not buy it,SOooo needless to say I didn't.
BUT yes it is a shame that greed has taken over ham radio.
High Dollar
I thought it was just me. I was expecting to find some good used equipment for a decent price. Most of the time, it seems like the person selling has upgraded to the newest gadget and doesn't need the old one anymore.
I've looked on here a few times to see what was for sale (looking for my first HF rig) and it was almost as much as new. I'm giving up on the used stuff and going for new since I will be shelling out the same amount of money either way.
I've looked on here a few times to see what was for sale (looking for my first HF rig) and it was almost as much as new. I'm giving up on the used stuff and going for new since I will be shelling out the same amount of money either way.
I have been comparing prices all over to see how common this is and it seems to be fairly common. I was going to buy a used 706 or 857 but I can buy a new 857D for close to the same price as a used one listed on this website. My advice to anyone is to double, triple check prices and warranty. I find it insulting that someone would list a piece of used equipment for the same price as a new one. I am not talking about antique gear.
Thank you for your comments
Thank you for your comments
If you don't like...
The Internet is an open market system covering the entire planet.Why the hell are most of you guys selling USED, sometimes VERY USED equipment for 80-100% of new prices.
- If you don't like the price, don't buy it.
If you don't like the seller, don't buy it.
If you don't like the reason it is being sold, don't buy it.
If you don't like the condition of the stuff, don't buy it.
If there is anything you don't like about it, don't buy it.
If you don't have anything better to do, go watch a ball game and quit complaining.
I agree, some of the asking prices are crazy, particularly on 2 meter gear. However, this is a trend that's been going on for a long time now and if buyers are so uninformed as to pay those prices (for example, I'm seeing FT-1802s going used for the same price you can get a new one for, plus free shipping with the new one) then it's their own fault. Buyers not sellers determine market pricing over time. With that being said, new or used, your dollars buy a heck of a lot more in amateur gear now than they did 30 years ago. My first brand new radio was a Regency HR-2B, crystal controlled, I think 12 freqs. Price back then, $225. Sellers have the right to ask any price they want, however buyers should have the responsibility of making an intelligent decision as to what they pay for their equipment.
I'm sure ebay is partly to blame for top dollar prices.
Just recently had an experience with greedy ham & his "angels of mercy" club.
A now silent key had left equipment to his son and daughter who just wanted rid of it. They set prices on a public listing, and several people agreed to buy, and indeed did. Before anyone could purchase much of anything else, a supposed "pro ham" from a nearby club, stepped in and told the kids they could get more money on Ebay. So they then rescinded all purchases, and even went so far as to ask for the equipment back !! Their reason was, that no one had paid what it was worth.... Well, the piece I bought was a linear amp, and I paid $1500 for it, and it sells "new" for $2300. So I told them to take me to court, as my purchase was reasonable. The "pro ham" , on behalf of, or with the club's say-so, then emailed me, stating I had "stolen the equipment" price-wise, and demanded it back. The amp I purchased was not that great a deal, and needed repair, etc., so I emailed the "pro ham" back, and stated that I would want $1700 back, for my time and effort, and the repair parts price I had used in the repair. Haven't heard from either party since. Goes to show, that nowadays, even though you pay for an item, it may not be enough to satisfy everyone. I'm thinking that the "pro ham" was listing the stuff on Ebay, and wanted the commission, and was mad as hell, because a few people got a "deal ??" without him. This is a true story and just very recently happened somewhere in Florida.
A now silent key had left equipment to his son and daughter who just wanted rid of it. They set prices on a public listing, and several people agreed to buy, and indeed did. Before anyone could purchase much of anything else, a supposed "pro ham" from a nearby club, stepped in and told the kids they could get more money on Ebay. So they then rescinded all purchases, and even went so far as to ask for the equipment back !! Their reason was, that no one had paid what it was worth.... Well, the piece I bought was a linear amp, and I paid $1500 for it, and it sells "new" for $2300. So I told them to take me to court, as my purchase was reasonable. The "pro ham" , on behalf of, or with the club's say-so, then emailed me, stating I had "stolen the equipment" price-wise, and demanded it back. The amp I purchased was not that great a deal, and needed repair, etc., so I emailed the "pro ham" back, and stated that I would want $1700 back, for my time and effort, and the repair parts price I had used in the repair. Haven't heard from either party since. Goes to show, that nowadays, even though you pay for an item, it may not be enough to satisfy everyone. I'm thinking that the "pro ham" was listing the stuff on Ebay, and wanted the commission, and was mad as hell, because a few people got a "deal ??" without him. This is a true story and just very recently happened somewhere in Florida.
It happened in Daytona Beach
I happened in Daytona. It started on Craigs List. they are everywhere.
K4JC's First Rule of Hamfesting (or flea markets, yard sales, eBay, etc.):
You can ask anything you want, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it.
Second rule:
If you think the price is too high, don't buy it! (Unless you're trying to find Hiram Percy Maxim's first transmitter, whatever it is you're looking for probably isn't very rare, and you'll find another one for sale soon.)
You can ask anything you want, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it.
Second rule:
If you think the price is too high, don't buy it! (Unless you're trying to find Hiram Percy Maxim's first transmitter, whatever it is you're looking for probably isn't very rare, and you'll find another one for sale soon.)
I agree with K4JC. I just looked at the Swap Board for Ft 2800 and then in the Texas Tower Cat. and they are cheaper for a new one with a warrantee . Either the sellers do not do research as to what they ask with in reason , Don't really want to sell the item or think of B. T. Barnum ,,,,,there's a sucker born every minute. Buying a new one is a No Brainer!k4jc wrote:K4JC's First Rule of Hamfesting (or flea markets, yard sales, eBay, etc.):
You can ask anything you want, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it.
Second rule:
If you think the price is too high, don't buy it! (Unless you're trying to find Hiram Percy Maxim's first transmitter, whatever it is you're looking for probably isn't very rare, and you'll find another one for sale soon.)
Mexico hotels
Last edited by n8uaz on Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
What i dislike is people that strip a radio of everything...filters, interface boards, mics, manuals etc, then turn around and sell each item separately for a hefty profit.
I have bought more than one radio that someone has strip-mined.
EBAY is notorious for sellers doing just that. After they strip-mine the radio, they almost got the new price for the radio, and the people that buy them have to spend a small fortune to re-add those things to the radio. I can understand wanting a fair profit, but, these people are squeezing every last cent that they can bleed out from an item.
Whats next? Selling Kenwood TS-xx for $500, circuit boards not included!
I have bought more than one radio that someone has strip-mined.
EBAY is notorious for sellers doing just that. After they strip-mine the radio, they almost got the new price for the radio, and the people that buy them have to spend a small fortune to re-add those things to the radio. I can understand wanting a fair profit, but, these people are squeezing every last cent that they can bleed out from an item.
Whats next? Selling Kenwood TS-xx for $500, circuit boards not included!
We don't walk into Wallyworld and haggle over prices,just pay sticker price and go on.Nobody likes to deal anymore they put a price on it,that's it.Can't be bothered talking to one if the next one just pays with no hassles.So I don't believe that buyers set prices.Yes I supose there are the uninformed,but there can't be that many of them.
I didn't follow Obama, so I don't know what those guys were talking about,but those statements,sounded the same as defending high prices with, don't like it don't buy it.Well thats my one cent of wonder. LOL

I didn't follow Obama, so I don't know what those guys were talking about,but those statements,sounded the same as defending high prices with, don't like it don't buy it.Well thats my one cent of wonder. LOL

I have recently decided to begin studying to get my ametuer radio license, and i cant belive how expensive used equipment is. I mean, everywhere i look, including sites like ebay, and craigslist, people are trying to sell used equipment for WAY to much. As a carsalesman, i understand how DEPRECIATION works, and the more something is used, the less it is worth. So it makes me angry when someone is trying to charge 10 dollars under new cost for a 3 years old radio. I just want to buy a handheld with 2m, and 220, and i cant find a single one for a good price. Im about to give up. Being a carsalesman in todays economy isnt easy, and i cant convince my wife that it is economically just to buy a 200 dollar radio.
Look around you...
Perhaps, it's time for a reality check...
Folks, the Internet is a near-perfect rendition of the world market. Not your neighborhood club swap fest, not Shelby Hamfest, not even Dayton. The Internet is a 24-7-52 market with few limits and millions of potential customers from all over the world.
Grow Up with it! Learn to use it but PLEASE quit whining about greed, or dishonesty, or air your pet peeve just so you can feel good about sounding off or for any other reason. Instead, recognize it for what it is--your private portal to the entire ham radio interested audience on the planet. What this means is you have got to upgrade your trading skills and your people skills. One thing is for sure, you are not going to change the other people using the market!
Asking prices are not aimed a you personally. They are, as they should be, aimed at the world market. A high price in El Paso, Texas may be a dirt cheap price in Moscow.
I urge you to accept the Internet world market for what it is. Use it to your advantage as ALL OTHERS are doing, and quit wasting bandwidth complaining about something new.
Finally, what you see on the Internet today will look like child's play five years from now. The Internet is growing, each day more users join the world market portal. We are not going to like all that is new and will be sad to see some of the now-familiar things go away. So what? Stay flexible and be happy.
Folks, the Internet is a near-perfect rendition of the world market. Not your neighborhood club swap fest, not Shelby Hamfest, not even Dayton. The Internet is a 24-7-52 market with few limits and millions of potential customers from all over the world.
Grow Up with it! Learn to use it but PLEASE quit whining about greed, or dishonesty, or air your pet peeve just so you can feel good about sounding off or for any other reason. Instead, recognize it for what it is--your private portal to the entire ham radio interested audience on the planet. What this means is you have got to upgrade your trading skills and your people skills. One thing is for sure, you are not going to change the other people using the market!
Asking prices are not aimed a you personally. They are, as they should be, aimed at the world market. A high price in El Paso, Texas may be a dirt cheap price in Moscow.
I urge you to accept the Internet world market for what it is. Use it to your advantage as ALL OTHERS are doing, and quit wasting bandwidth complaining about something new.
Finally, what you see on the Internet today will look like child's play five years from now. The Internet is growing, each day more users join the world market portal. We are not going to like all that is new and will be sad to see some of the now-familiar things go away. So what? Stay flexible and be happy.
Last edited by K4ICL on Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Old Equipment Overpriced
I know how you all feel, in one way or another. On one hand, most of us want to get something close to what we pay for equipment, and on the other hand most of us probably would like to help out the new folks with our unused "stuff". The problem with the internet is that you really don't know for sure if that "new Ham" is really new or just trying to get one of us old guys to give them a deal.
I advise people I know to use qth.com or to sell their equipment locally on our Club email reflector. Even that has drawbacks, though.
Then of course we don't want to get into a situation where we sell a piece of gear only to have it die when the buyer gets it (whether from misuse or just that it was time). I sell my stuff "as-is" for this reason, but I am always afraid someone will start maligning me if the gear had a problem I didn't see, or something happened that was unforseen.
Just some random thoughts of course.
73 KI7AY
I advise people I know to use qth.com or to sell their equipment locally on our Club email reflector. Even that has drawbacks, though.
Then of course we don't want to get into a situation where we sell a piece of gear only to have it die when the buyer gets it (whether from misuse or just that it was time). I sell my stuff "as-is" for this reason, but I am always afraid someone will start maligning me if the gear had a problem I didn't see, or something happened that was unforseen.
Just some random thoughts of course.
73 KI7AY
to K4ICL: I'm new to the QTH.com forums and see that you're a moderator on all of them. I read your responses above and I don't think your comments are needed or appropriate. For us new guys, perhaps you could post a list of topics that meet your approval, things you don't like us to say, etc. Every now and then, someone who complains about something has a perfectly valid point, but your actions and comments will likely discourage them in the future.
Just a hobby...
Here is the deal. You have expressed your opion and I respect your right to do so.
All I ask in return is the same respect when I express my opinion.
My role as a moderator is totally irrelevant.
Happy hamming Floyd and lighten up. This is a hobby, not a carreer; okay...
Here is the deal. You have expressed your opion and I respect your right to do so.
All I ask in return is the same respect when I express my opinion.
My role as a moderator is totally irrelevant.
Happy hamming Floyd and lighten up. This is a hobby, not a carreer; okay...