TR-4CW Help!!!!

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TR-4CW Help!!!!

Post by xe1/ve3oqc »

:? Greetings to all,
I recently acquired a well used Drake TR4-CW that has been 90% restored,however I am having some problems with the radio.
First when tuned on 14Mhz and 7Mhz these bands are fine,load well into the antennas and the TX audio is good.However,when tuned to 3.5,21, and 28Mhz the passband shifts (3.5Mhz lights go to USB,21Mhz lights go to LSB and 28Mhz to LSB,and signals sound like reverse SSB.Radio has been 70% re-tubed.
Second,the RV-4C VFO is inoperative when connected to the radio.When turned on there is a slight shift in frequency but no action.
Any help,and I mean any help would be greatly appreciated.I have tried other forums but no responses.

Thanks in advance,
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