New Ham Comments
New Ham Comments
Hello Fellow Hams,I am a new ham getting my General in mid 2008. Been reading quite a few of the posts, lots of hams with different opinions. I just want to throw in my 2 cents here about the no code thing, ham radio is a very unknown hobby, removing the code has made it easier for many to join the club, don't judge just be nice and help these new hams . I remember when I made my first few contacts and most of the older hams were like a Dad to me,, but some act very intimadating and make it known that "appliance operators are dumb' need to lighten up and realize not everyone has the time, training, and knowledge that you older experianced hams have. I have a great respect for the older hams and only hope to learn from them as much as I can. Many new hams are NOT retired and only have a few hours a week to play on the radio, heck when I got started I did not have an elmer to help me, I had to figuire things out on my own, and I did fairly well for an appliance operator! Hah! Recently I posted an ad in QTH asking for any donations of Free equipment. My recent economic situation has forced me to sell the equipment I had in order to make ends meet and as much as yes, I was asking , I wasn't begging as one ham said. One guy thought I was some scammer that was going to take any equipment given to me and sell it I never expected that response, caught me off guard for sure.Basically what happened was that I got on the air in 2008 after waiting 35 years to get my lic and had such a good time that now Im having withdraws .I'm not sure if Im gonna post that ad again but I'll figuire something out to get back on the air asap.Right now I'm scrounging for something to sell to get another radio. Ham Radio is So awesome!
John Quail KD8IJU
73's to all
73's to all