Antenna stacking
Antenna stacking
I just lost my tower and beams in the latest wind storm here in Ohio. I am going to buy a new A3S cushcraft, and 2 ,2 meter beams. I know that the 2 meter beams must be 8 feet from the HF beam. What I want to do is make a rotatable 40 meter dipole out of the scrap tubing and the traps from my wrecked A4S. How far apart should the "dipole be from the HF beam ? The 2 meter beam will have to be 8 feet from any HF antenna I put up. I would like to put the HF beam at the bottom of the mast and then the "dipole" and then the 2 meter beam. Would it make sence If I ran the 'Diploe" parrell with the boom of the HF beamI'm turning it with a Ham 3 rotor.