It never ceases to amaze me as to the number of amateurs, both buyers and sellers, that end up in the hospital during a transaction. Most fall ill just after receiving funds and just before the shipment of goods.
A large portion of bad transactions have one party that comes down with a mysterious illness that requires hospitalization and renders them so helpless that they can't ship equipment, dial the phone, listen to the answering machine, return email or get to the bank.
A simple 'search' for the word 'hospital' turned up 22 threads in the Feedback Forum.
Last edited by N6VMO on Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
KM5FL wrote:Jerry:
That ain't the half of it.. I hear If you don't start doing a lot of things and stop doing others, Dorthy's gonna put you in the CEMETARY....
Jerry, try as hard as you can to sell the stuff, because if she puts you in the cemetary, there would be a fair chance if she marries again, it might be to another "HAM" and that would take two off air.
As I've always firmly believed... there's no excuses, other than not having a heartbeat or being unconscious, in not honoring an obligation timely. A buyer is a creditor... pure and simple. Most people treat their auto and home creditors with respect... what is different here?
It's amazing the excuses and stories that surface here and makes for some very amusing reading. I still laugh about the guy a few months ago who fully claimed he cashed a buyer's check the same day received, but couldn't ship the item for weeks because he was enjoying time with his son and working extra hours... and he truly thought he was the "good" guy. Unbelieveable!
hi guys, while i agree with you that eboli, fascia necrotizing streptococis and hemarogic fever usually appear after a low life sells you some piece of trash... i sold my expensive acom2000 last month and it immedialtly developed firmware problems or something along those lines. just before checking in to the hops for back surgery, i had my seller ship it to Will and gave Will full authorization to repair and ship back. this was easy. the scumsuckers who "vanish" because they are in the hospital are simply crooks.... will update you when Will repairs and ship it back to John. 73 paul w8jn
Well, if I was a thief, and the guy said he was in the hospital, it sounds to me like a good time to go and rob his house, and get everything for free!
kb5pn wrote:I don't know about the others but my wife tells me that if I don't start posting some stuff and getting rid of it I will end up in the hospital!!
For what it's worth guys. a bit of advice.........
As you can see, I was threatened back in '08........I didn't sell anything but kept buying and sure enough I just got out of the hospital last week!!