I am AMAZED when I read the ads here & on other ham radio related sites.If you want a GOOD LAUGH(laughter is GOOD for you)just search the word YEASU which I think is suppose to be YAESU or the word TUNNER which again I think is suppose to be TUNER(Example:FOR SALE:YEASU HF with built in TUNNER). I almost forgot the NONE SMOKING shack which I'm sure is NON SMOKING.I'm sure there are MANY more but these seem to be the most common that I see.It's no wonder some folks can NOT find or sell the items they have listings for or are searching for.When the item you are listing has the NAME BRAND right on the front of it or on the box & you can NOT copy it from the item or box to the ad then just MAYBE you should ask for some HELP! I'm sure somebody will post a comment that I'm being critical but it reflects upon us all as a GROUP & it may also say that I'm stepping on their toes! I'm sure SOMEONE would be VERY HAPPY in HELPING you with your posting & it helps YOU & OTHERS whom are searching for an item you may post or others whom may be selling an item that YOU want if the item is spelled CORRECTLY.Helps with the CASH FLOW as well.If you see or know of others PLEASE post a comment to this feedback & share it with us all so we can get a GOOD LAUGH as well.As the old saying goes,"SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA LAUGH"!
Last edited by W4KVW on Sun May 10, 2009 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
I love it when somebody says he has a mike with the radio. Why would I want a guy named mike with the radio? I would rather have the "mic" that came with it.
W4KVW wrote:.......I'm sure SOMEONE would be VERY HAPPY in HELPING you with your posting & it helps YOU & OTHERS whom are searching for an item you may post or others whom may be selling an item that YOU want if the item is spelled CORRECTLY.
Well Clayton, turn about is fair play, wouldn't you say?? To laugh at others means you should be able to laugh at yourself..
Whom is an object pronoun, while who is a subject pronoun. One would never use whom as the subject of a verb. One method to use to determine correctness of who vs. whom is to rewrite the sentence to eliminate who or whom. If you would have used he, she, or they, in place of the word, then who is the correct word; if you would have used him, her, or them, then whom is the correct word.
NICHOLAS,Did I spell WHOM correctly? Since it appears YOU missed the TOPIC of discussion in my feedback which is "SPELLING". But again as I said,"YOU JUST GOTTA LAUGH"! Just FYI:I have NO PROBLEM laughing at MYSELF or OTHERS & THANKS for the laugh on YOU for NOT reading & UNDERSTANDING the discussion before posting a comment.hahaha }:>)
One more time just for YOU.For those posting wanted or for sale ads,check the spelling on the FRONT of the box or item for the CORRECT spelling just so the rest of us can figure out what it is you have for sale or what it is your searching for! For those who do NOT,"THANKS" for the laughs! The GOOD news for you is that I see PLENTY of ads with YEASU rigs & TUNNERS at the time of this posting so MAYBE they do exist after all? LAUGHTER is GOOD for the soul.
Not only does Mike come with your mint Yeasu with tunner, but often the original Manuel comes along. My wife is NOT going to be happy about all these people hanging around in my radio room!
My biggest pet peeve is the misuse of apostrophes. An apostrophe signifies possession; i.e., Joe's rig, the car's engine, etc. It should never be used when the 's' at the end of a word is creating a plural. For example, "My car has several antennas" should not be, "My car has several antenna's."
btw another thing that drive's me crazy is when you see an ad that has no punctuation or capitalization OR SOMETIMES ITS ALL IN CAPITALS AND I THINK YOU'LL BEAT ME UP IF I DON'T BUY YOUR ITEM RIGHT NOW and is full of grammatical error's i mean it goes on and on and talks about the item with a full description as well as all the accessory's and about how it has been a terrific piece of gear but now it's excess to my need's and the wife says it need's to go ill take $1000.00 dollars plus shipping and if it doesn't sell it goes to ebay thanks for reading this and best 73s's to you all and the only punctuation if any is a period at the end.
(Whew! I'm out of breath just trying to read this! Disclaimer: The above paragraph was intended to convey humor and was in no way intended to harm or insult anyone!)
hams should be talking about SCAMMERS instead of talking about people and the way they mispell. if you don't like the add move on find something to do. JUDGE AND YOU SHALL BE JUDGED.
W4PIG wrote:hams should be talking about SCAMMERS instead of talking about people and the way they mispell. if you don't like the add move on find something to do. JUDGE AND YOU SHALL BE JUDGED.
I've seen more judgment passed when talking about scammers than has been done in this thread. It's just humor, folks. Something we could all do with more of.
W4PIG,here is YOUR chance to start a NEW TOPIC for this page! Nobody is FORCING "YOU" to have any HUMOR in your life.Sit around & complain,cry, whine & whatever else you do & do not smile because it could hurt you if your NOT use to doing it.There are plenty of postings about SCAMMERS and maybe somebody scammed you & you can NOT "FORGIVE" them & that shall also be JUDGED.I had NO IDEA that I chose the WRONG TOPIC when I started this discussion but it appears that W4PIG does NOT like LAUGHTER or talking about it? Just so maybe you will fell better I'm laughing FOR YOU right now.Now don't that FEEL GOOD?
W4KVW wrote:NICHOLAS,Did I spell WHOM correctly? Since it appears YOU missed the TOPIC of discussion in my feedback which is "SPELLING". But again as I said,"YOU JUST GOTTA LAUGH"! Just FYI:I have NO PROBLEM laughing at MYSELF or OTHERS & THANKS for the laugh on YOU for NOT reading & UNDERSTANDING the discussion before posting a comment.hahaha }:>)
One more time just for YOU.For those posting wanted or for sale ads,check the spelling on the FRONT of the box or item for the CORRECT spelling just so the rest of us can figure out what it is you have for sale or what it is your searching for! For those who do NOT,"THANKS" for the laughs! The GOOD news for you is that I see PLENTY of ads with YEASU rigs & TUNNERS at the time of this posting so MAYBE they do exist after all? LAUGHTER is GOOD for the soul.
You spelled "whom" correctly, but you used it "wrong". And is doing so, you made it very easy for me to add another goat to my collection... What's the matter?? You can't take as good as you give??
Poor poor grammar is just as bad as poor spelling. It's pretty obvious from the post I'm quoting, and a couple others you have made in your thread that not only can you not take what you dish out, you also don't know how to spell. You quite obviously have a chip on you shoulder and an axe to grind.. Are you in such a pitiful state that the only method of getting attention you have is to criticize others?? That's not humorous, that's sad..
W4KVW wrote:.....what it is your searching for! Clayton
Clayton The Spelling Expert: Y O U R is the possessive form of you. As in "your car".. The word you should have used is: "you're", the contraction for "you are", as in "you're oh so wrong"...
W4KVW wrote:W4PIG, .......Just so maybe you will fell better I'm laughing FOR YOU Clayton
Clayton The Spelling Expert: I think the word you should have used is "feel"... Or did you want W4PIG to FALL for you??
For those of you with so much PAIN in your life "PLEASE" laugh at ME! I am a BIG MAN & can take it.If you really want too test your humor LOOK IN A MIRROR then you will have something else too laugh at but be careful & do NOT hurt yourself or you will STOP again. }:>) Some folks are VERY touchy & need a good laugh so they can get some relief from their day to day boring lives.Just so you know,I feel VERY SORRY FOR YOU if you can NOT laugh.Now do you feel better?God loves YOU even when your sitting around moaning,whining & complaining about how everyone else in the world is HAPPY & SMILING & you just want someone to talk about being SCAMMED.Think positive,we have all gotten a bad deal in life once in a while.SMILE, LAUGH, & CRY when you hurt but if your hurting ALL of the time GET PROFESSIONAL HELP & learn to ENJOY what life you have.
W4KVW wrote:For those of you with so much PAIN in your life "PLEASE" laugh at ME! I am a BIG MAN & can take it.If you really want too test your humor LOOK IN A MIRROR then you will have something else too laugh at but be careful & do NOT hurt yourself or you will STOP again. }:>) Some folks are VERY touchy & need a good laugh so they can get some relief from their day to day boring lives.Just so you know,I feel VERY SORRY FOR YOU if you can NOT laugh.Now do you feel better?God loves YOU even when your sitting around moaning,whining & complaining about how everyone else in the world is HAPPY & SMILING & you just want someone to talk about being SCAMMED.Think positive,we have all gotten a bad deal in life once in a while.SMILE, LAUGH, & CRY when you hurt but if your hurting ALL of the time GET PROFESSIONAL HELP & learn to ENJOY what life you have.
Oh, sob, sob, sob... Such a touching autobiography I have never read before...
Oh BTW, Clayton.. Add "you're a slow learner" to it.. In case you can't find the misspelled words, I underlined them for you.. How did you acquire the "slow learner" title, you might ask.. Well, I covered the proper use of "you're' and "your" in a previous lesson..
I find this thread to have a very boring subject.. I'm out of here. But first, I'm returning your goat.. He can't spell worth a darn, and he eats too much..
.............. ..............
Ok i love a good laugh but would like to say that it is often funny to read poor grammer and spelling which i'm guilty of at times i'm certain. But to me if i understand what there really saying that's all that counts.
Glad I can get some folks out of their shells.Keep those comments coming & PLEASE share other things about ham radio & hams that YOU find FUNNY so we ALL get a good LAUGH! That goes for you retired auto mechanics as well & it appears that ORIGINAL is another TOUGH word to spell but orginal appears too work in it's place.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have addressed the spelling issue a couple of times in the past. I did so in a way not to offend anyone, but there were still a couple that took offense to my article. Although some do bring a chuckle, some of these ads would make a 5th grader cringe. It does not take a college degree to pick up a dictionary, or use a browser that has a built-in spell checker. A well written ad will be taken more seriously than one with a bunch of spelling errors, no punctuation, etc.
This article probably belongs in one of the chat categories instead of the feedback forum, but will probably get more hits here. Life is short, go fishing. 73 to all.