Listen live to the AF Thunderbirds @ Oregon Intl Airshow '09

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Listen live to the AF Thunderbirds @ Oregon Intl Airshow '09

Post by k2ncc »

Oregon International Airshow will open at 5pm Pacific. Air Force Thunderbirds show starts at 7pm and lasts until 10pm.


I've been watching (and hearing, ouch) them fly overhead for a couple of days now.

I think I have all the frequencies in, and a few extra for Hillsboro airport. Good thing I noticed that some should be AM when the rig auto-programs FM!

I won't be sitting on just one frequency, as the activity is all over, from air to air to ground ops.

Join me and listen today from now until 10pm-ish. Saturday and Sunday is 10:30 am 'til about 5pm.

Listen to the streaming audio here:

or, if you have Winamp or iTunes installed, the direct link is:

f, k2ncc
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