2010 DXCC Most wanted survey now OPEN!!!

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2010 DXCC Most wanted survey now OPEN!!!

Post by vk6hz »

Hi All

I have created a Most Wanted DXCC survey on my website. The url is: http://dxsurvey.vk6hz.com

I have 2 reasons why I have done this...
1. I want to compare the differences between what is need around the world and what is needed in VK
2. For a statistics assignment for a course I am doing!

Your co-operation in answering the survey would be of great assistance to me.

The poll is open until March 1st 2010. Results will be published on my website (www.vk6hz.com) in late March, as well as in Amateur Radio magazine here in VK.

Jump in now and let me know what DXCC entities you haven't worked yet on any band or any mode.

John Ferrington
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