Less than honest

This is the place to discuss the QTH.com Classifieds (http://swap.qth.com). Please be constructive.
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John Barnwell
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Less than honest

Post by John Barnwell »

I am looking for a little advice from some of you fare traders here. I am a Drake collector, and I am always on the hunt for nice pristine gear. I recently purchased what was described as such, but was delivered with some horrible ID engraving to the exposed chassis of each piece. The pictures I received, and the conversations I had with this person never revealed this fault, even after I pressed him to disclose as such. Upon notifying him of my displeasure, he informed me he hadn't noticed. I paid a strong price for this gear, reflecting what he advertised. Now I know some of you might not be bothered by such, but to me it isn't unlike buying a collector coin from someone advertising as MS60, and you get the coin and someone has carved their initials into the face. Had he disclosed this damage up front, I would have not paid the price I did. Your thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you.
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Who are you talking about, here?

Post by K4ICL »


We need a name and a call sign.


John Barnwell
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Less than honest

Post by John Barnwell »

Perhaps I am premature in posting this, I will need to attempt resolution prior to disclosing the seller. I certainly have an opinion to this type of behavior, and wanted a little feed back in dealing with such individuals. I assure you that if this person does nothing to resolve issues, his identity will be made known right here where he posted his add. Thank you, John
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Post by lhk0pd »

John we need your call and the offenders name and call. It ad's credibility to your message. Thanks Larry K0pd
Larry Huff K0pd
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Post by W1MRK »

lhuffk0pd wrote:John we need your call and the offenders name and call. It ad's credibility to your message. Thanks Larry K0pd
He is asking for advice on how to proceed. He is not posting with the intent to advise us of a issue yet. Maybe his call is needed in some minds but I see no reason to post the other hams call as of yet if he does not wish to, nor refer to him as "the offender".

My thoughts would to be to contact the seller and request to work out a price deduction. Mention the emails that you asked about condition in and go from there. This may be a simple misunderstanding. Has happened to me before and I was refunded partial price.

73's Mike W1MRK
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Post by lhk0pd »

Mike i do agree with what you said but i still stand by my answer,as it was not meant to start a argument but i have no idea who a John Barnwell is.As far as the person he is asking about how to handle it i agree his info is not yet totally needed.How do you or i or anyone know for certain that JohnBarnwell is who he say's he is and i'm not saying this to intentionally insult or anger Mr.Barnwell.This is why i said a call given would give his question or statement more credibility..
Larry Huff K0pd
John Barnwell
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Less than honest

Post by John Barnwell »

Larry, the call is KE7TPA. Retired U.S. Coast Guard radioman. Thanks, John
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Post by lhk0pd »

Thank you John and here's hoping a reasonable resolution can be worked out on the buy. It sounds to me like some sort of restitution is needed being as the condition was not described fully of the equipment. To me mint like or pristine condition means that it looks practically unused with a very small blemish but not like what you were sold..
Larry Huff K0pd
John Barnwell
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All is well

Post by John Barnwell »

I talked to the gentleman today, and worked out a very favorable resolution. I am ever so glad that I did not slam this man straight away, in my emotional state. He was truly as disturbed at my displeasure, as I was. Neither of us slept well past 2 nights. Divulging his call sign would have been a huge mistake in this instance, and I would have felt no better for doing so. Lesson learned. Thanks to all, John
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Re: All is well

Post by k4kk »

John Barnwell wrote:I talked to the gentleman today...
I have watched this thread since its origin. I would say that BOTH parties talked to a gentleman!
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Re: All is well

Post by kg8lb »

John Barnwell wrote:I talked to the gentleman today, and worked out a very favorable resolution. I am ever so glad that I did not slam this man straight away, in my emotional state. He was truly as disturbed at my displeasure, as I was. Neither of us slept well past 2 nights. Divulging his call sign would have been a huge mistake in this instance, and I would have felt no better for doing so. Lesson learned. Thanks to all, John
Your conduct was admirable. The name and call sign had no bearing on the situation nor the question you posed.You wisely witheld that information accordingly. Also the license or non license status of the parties involved makes no difference whatsover .
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