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Has anyone figured out the issues with the VX-7R Programming errors:
I can't upload or download.
I keep getting the following message:
Opening Port...
Waiting for first data block...
ERROR: Timeout while waiting for first data block.
Number of bytes in buffer: 0
Dump of buffer:
Port closed.
I'm sure my post has been OBE (overcome by events) through your efforts to program the '7R, but I've found that you need to do a read first and then try programming it - especially if you're using VX Commander. Give it a try - it may work for you, too.
I think the geeks who design setup menus for most new units are Grads of the IDIOT ACADEMY.So much for Higher Ed.I love programing my Icom T7H .Begin on 1 pg then move ahead 10 or so then back 5 and pray you havent timed out.Or a I did read and copy steps all on the same page and use istruction maual for T/P.
ATN 3 USN 61-67
Left brained H/S Dropout General
marty_wittrock wrote:I'm sure my post has been OBE (overcome by events) through your efforts to program the '7R, but I've found that you need to do a read first and then try programming it - especially if you're using VX Commander. Give it a try - it may work for you, too.
I noticed the same thing and found the above to be the case, as well as using a USB-RS232 adapter that works better than the one I had. The adapter that has worked without fail was a FDTI unit purchased from Mouser for less than thirty dollars. I use it with other radios as well and have no problems with them.
Another thing to try may be to slow down the settings for the com port.