The Greatest Antenna?
The Greatest Antenna?
Many times I have pondered the Idea, Dreamed of finding, that PERFECT ANTENNA! I suppose we all have done this at one time or another. I have listened to Wise Hams say that the Matching device, would be greater served if it were actually located at the FEED POINT of a particular antenna. And I ask? Why isn't it? Maybe someone will offer to Clue me in I know of the SCREW-DRIVER antennas we see, used mobil and they have solved so many probelms. I would like to ask the question: Has someone EXPERIMENTED with a Matching device that is automated and RESIDES at the Feed-Point of your antenna? Has this been commercially manufactured? I suppose I am dreaming of a device that would Vary the Resistance, and Capacitance, yet that can be tower mounted and controlled to offer OPTIMAL performance of the certain antenna that it is designed to work with. I know that we can use the Coax Switch-Boxes that dont require wiring and use the same coax... for signal? Why then or is there? Something that is designed, and weather proof, that is tower mounted and Varies our feed point to the antenna, right where we would Dream of it being? I constantly find myself listening to the stories or this antenna or that one, just to find the one that out performs them all! From Loops to Bazookas, The Windom, and so on? I still search excitedly each day. How about it? Is there a matching Device such as I have asked about, or if not? Is it time that one of these great, Electronics Wizards out here on Ham Radio, designs something that EVERYONE... might very well want? Okay I am the Antenna "JUNKIE" I admit it! But will someone tell me if this Device I ask about already, exists?
73's and May God Bless you and your Family
Perfect Antenna
Perhaps a less complex solution here would be to simply install a resonant antenna?
Blake N4GI
Blake N4GI
The perfect antenna?
Well, you ask a time old question without letting us know what you want to use it for. Rag chewing on HF, mobile, contesting, QRP, etc. Each one has a very different answer and, of course, solution. The tone of the text makes me think you are just looking for an automated system that will let you use the 80 through 10 Meter HF bands and perform above all others. It is a tall order and realistically isn't around for the normal ham pocketbook. For normal ham use, there are a couple of automated matching devices available for ham use that you can buy. Might I suggest you search for "automated antenna matching system" on the internet.
I have done so and find a lot of sites you can go to. I won't list them, but you can find what will probably satisfy your needs there. Good hunting.
I have done so and find a lot of sites you can go to. I won't list them, but you can find what will probably satisfy your needs there. Good hunting.
Mel, K6KBE
Re: Perfect Antenna
n4gi wrote:Perhaps a less complex solution here would be to simply install a resonant antenna?
Blake N4GI
Truthfully ...Yes Blake, But for those of us that want fantastic Antennas, with Multiband use, The Search is still out there...73's
73's and May God Bless you and your Family