Oririginal Don Johnson-W6AAQ screwdriver antenna

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Oririginal Don Johnson-W6AAQ screwdriver antenna

Post by localjunkpeddler »

I have an original Don Johnson screwdriver antenna. I'm in need of the wiring and installation info. Thanks
de Lee
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Post by k9yli »

If its the same as most screwdrivers, you have two 12 volt leads.

to run to a reversing switch to run it up or down.

and then a coax conection for the radio.

mount the whole thing on a sturdy antenna mount... really sturdy as
wind resistance will be high. ..

reversing switch ,,, best would be a center off double pole double throw
switch but could be done with a double pole double throw switch and a double pole single throw 'on /off' switch.

on/off switch conected to power source,(battery) then to the common of the other switch.
dpdt switch has 6 contacts.
center two are the armature, outer ones are the switched points.

wire an X between the outter contacts and then on to the antenna.

i'll try and draw it here.

-------------./ ----------------.a | b................................ to motor

--------------/ ----------------.c | .d------------------------to motor

cross wire a to d and c to b

-----/ --- = switrch contact.

second switch is reversing switch.
first sw ----/ --- is on/off switch

I think the antenna has limit switch so you dont run too far up or down.

practice on the bench first. .. apply 12 volts and watch the motor turn.
check limit switchs etc before installing.

hope the picture comes out.
some times the program does its own perusal of my input and re-arranges its as it sees fit. so all my spacing and carr returns arr for nought

here gooes.
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Post by k9yli »

drawing came out ok except the iniput wires do not go to A and C

they go to the common connectors on the switch.

A and C only have jumpers going to B and D.
then B and D output to the motor..

6 connectors on a dpdt switch.
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Post by localjunkpeddler »

Thanks, I figured out the up/down function using a DPDT momentary switch wired exactly as you described. I'm unsure about the limit switch however. Also I believe I'll need some sort of torroidal xformer to feed it as well. Any ideas are welcomed....73
"Always drink upstream of the herd"
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Post by k9yli »

Since it is a continuously tunable antenna I think it is 50 ohm feed...

My texas buddys screwdriver doesnt have a transformer or balun/unun

the limit switchs would be inside the antenna so you cant run it off the top of the coil.
his gets stuck ir run too far down.. just binds..
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