Ameritron AWM-30 wattmeter modification
Ameritron AWM-30 wattmeter modification
I have one of the earlier Ameritron AWM-30 watt/SWR meters. Although the accuracy is not perfect, it does fill my needs nicely and appears to be very well built. The only complaint I have is the VERY slow recovery of the wattmeter in the PEP mode. From the 500 watt position, the meter takes about 40 seconds or more to return to the "O" position after transmitting. Although a bit of hang-time is necessary, I find it much too long on this meter. I understand that Ameritron has addressed this issue in their later models. Does anyone know of a modification to speed up the decay time? I have been looking for a schematic of the meter but haven't been able to find one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. De wb3cez[/b]
Ameritron AMW-30 wattmeter
Actually this meter is swichable between RMS and PEP. What I,am saying is the hang-time of the needle is much too long in the PEP mode.