More cb's
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As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
Selling CB sets on Classified Site...
The only reasons CB sets are allowed on Classified are:
1) During the high sun spot cycle when 10 meters is open most of the time, some hams like to convert cb sets for use on 10 meters. Nothing wrong with that!
2) It is not unusual to find a booth at large hamfests where hams can donate a dollar-a-whack at a cb set with a hammer. Nothing wrong with that!
3) Some cb sets have parts or components useful to the few remaining hams who like to tinker with electronics. Nothing wrong with that!
4) Some XYL's will never get a ticket but will use a cb set. This is definitely in the best interest in the hubby ham.
ANY cb set known to be capable of greater than FCC allowed output or are listed on the FCC illegal transceiver list, will be deleted with a warning to the posting user. If you see such cb sets or any other illegal equipment posted, contact KA9FOX.
ANY other transmitter or transceiver or amplifier known to be capable of being used on Citizens Band Service bands or is otherwise not certified by the FCC for Amateur Service use is not allowed. If you see such a equipment posted, contact KA9FOX.
THE UGLY... Classified users who persist in posting illegal transmitters, transceivers, or amplifiers will be banned from using the site. Classified users who appear to be dumping significant numbers of cb sets on the "ham market" using Classified postings will have such posting automatically deleted. Continued postings thereafter will cause the user to be banned from using the site.
The only reasons CB sets are allowed on Classified are:
1) During the high sun spot cycle when 10 meters is open most of the time, some hams like to convert cb sets for use on 10 meters. Nothing wrong with that!
2) It is not unusual to find a booth at large hamfests where hams can donate a dollar-a-whack at a cb set with a hammer. Nothing wrong with that!
3) Some cb sets have parts or components useful to the few remaining hams who like to tinker with electronics. Nothing wrong with that!
4) Some XYL's will never get a ticket but will use a cb set. This is definitely in the best interest in the hubby ham.
ANY cb set known to be capable of greater than FCC allowed output or are listed on the FCC illegal transceiver list, will be deleted with a warning to the posting user. If you see such cb sets or any other illegal equipment posted, contact KA9FOX.
ANY other transmitter or transceiver or amplifier known to be capable of being used on Citizens Band Service bands or is otherwise not certified by the FCC for Amateur Service use is not allowed. If you see such a equipment posted, contact KA9FOX.
THE UGLY... Classified users who persist in posting illegal transmitters, transceivers, or amplifiers will be banned from using the site. Classified users who appear to be dumping significant numbers of cb sets on the "ham market" using Classified postings will have such posting automatically deleted. Continued postings thereafter will cause the user to be banned from using the site.
Re: Selling CB sets on Classified Site...
Seriously,K4ICL wrote:THE GOOD...
ANY other transmitter or transceiver or amplifier known to be capable of being used on Citizens Band Service bands or is otherwise not certified by the FCC for Amateur Service use is not allowed.
For the sake of clarification, does this include Vikings, Johnson Five Hundreds, Rangers, Valiants, DX-100s etc ? AFAIK they have been grandfathered an exemption and I am pretty certain you are not including them.
For that matter how about the "opened up" newer model Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood radios?
Good time to make it official .
OK, So where are the filters now ?
Re: Query
There are several older models transmitters and transceivers with 11 meters built in. The FCC has "grandfathered" these for accepted use by properly licensed hams and are allowed to be posted for sale or trade to properly licensed hams only. If you have such a unit, always indicate you will sell or trade it only to a properly licensed ham.
Any other transmitting devices capable of transmitting on both ham bands and Citizen Band frequencies are specifically prohibited. A complete list of these radios is provided and can be seen at
Thanks for asking...
Any other transmitting devices capable of transmitting on both ham bands and Citizen Band frequencies are specifically prohibited. A complete list of these radios is provided and can be seen at
It has always been "official." Please check the Terms and Conditions of use of the Classified site as well as the pages dealing with illegal cb equipment and illegal amps.Good time to make it official .
Thanks for asking...
As stated by K4ICL.........
...............for sale or trade to properly licensed hams only. If you have such a unit, always indicate you will sell or trade it only to a properly licensed ham
This is a QTH requirement, ..............
The FCC does not require you to have a amateur license to BUY amateur equipment, but it is required for you to OPERATE amateur gear.
...............for sale or trade to properly licensed hams only. If you have such a unit, always indicate you will sell or trade it only to a properly licensed ham
This is a QTH requirement, ..............
The FCC does not require you to have a amateur license to BUY amateur equipment, but it is required for you to OPERATE amateur gear.
Re: More cb's
I've been licensed since 1974, and got started in radio first as a SWL, and then a CB'er. The first antenna that went up on the roof of my parents' house was a CB antenna. If someone wants to buy/sell/trade CB gear here, why not? Maybe they'll see all the great ham equipment for sale and get interested in our hobby.N8QBY wrote:It seems like more and more cb's are being sold on this site all the time. I hope this current trend isn't the future of this site.
Steve, KW4H
I have already been down this road....
I mentioned cb's and cb amplifiers before, and a bunch of "hams" took quickly to their defense!
I came from CB - as I grew up! I never went to QTH for CB gear, because I knew it was a ham site! CB's have no business here! No matter what cycle the sunpoot is in - most of those 10m rigs are not filtered to do anything but destroy 10m for everyone else! People taking up for them are just hoping to score a big 10-4 good buddy beep! beep! super swinging maul droppin' illegal radio that out of this world, no, out of this Galaxy!
There's a BIG difference form a real boat anchor Yaesu and a roger beeping Ranger, and we all know the difference, so let's be honest - fcc has type accepted, even the old ones have been talen in - let's leave it at that, let the FCC decide what a properly filterd ham rig is!
Hint: If it has a roger beeper / echo echo echo / robot voices, you can bet it's a cb and doesn't belong here!
Enough Said
I came from CB - as I grew up! I never went to QTH for CB gear, because I knew it was a ham site! CB's have no business here! No matter what cycle the sunpoot is in - most of those 10m rigs are not filtered to do anything but destroy 10m for everyone else! People taking up for them are just hoping to score a big 10-4 good buddy beep! beep! super swinging maul droppin' illegal radio that out of this world, no, out of this Galaxy!
There's a BIG difference form a real boat anchor Yaesu and a roger beeping Ranger, and we all know the difference, so let's be honest - fcc has type accepted, even the old ones have been talen in - let's leave it at that, let the FCC decide what a properly filterd ham rig is!
Hint: If it has a roger beeper / echo echo echo / robot voices, you can bet it's a cb and doesn't belong here!
Enough Said

Re: More cb's
WHAAAAA! Booo Hooo! Suck it up and act like a man crybaby!N8QBY wrote:It seems like more and more cb's are being sold on this site all the time. I hope this current trend isn't the future of this site.

No BS ham radio for me. I don't play ham politics, i.e. code/no code, Cb vs Ham, ect, ect.
No BS ham radio for me. I don't play ham politics, i.e. code/no code, Cb vs Ham, ect, ect.