I just saw another "Pity me..sell it to me cheap"
I just saw another "Pity me..sell it to me cheap"
What a crock!! I just saw another ad from a guy who was whining that he got laid off....so please sell him a rig for next to nothing". Where's his self-respect?? Did he flush it down the crapper this morning??? If I was a QTH monitor, I would press the delete button every time they post a want ad. You know they are trying to buy cheap and resell higher. Just grates me to see that kind of "beggar ad". The LAST rig I donated, shiowed up for sale on here and when I Googled the guy's call sign, his club page came up showing his RV, which he "used to travel extensively and for field days"!!!.
Last edited by wx1f on Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
I just saw another "Pity me..sell it to me cheap"
So does this mean if you are a ham who is layed off during these poor economic times that we are banned from looking for a cheap rig so they can play too?
Maybe we need to ban students who have very little money as well.
Maybe we should tell those on a fixed income they cant have a radio.
Is this really the legacy we want to leave for the new people who get there ticket?
Do we really need to be a group that can only operate if we go to the candy store and pay full price?
Maybe the monitors need to delete any used equipment ads and want to buy adds.
Is it really such a sin to say "Hey I dont have much money, but I really want to get on the air"?
Gee and here I thought this hobby was for anyone.
Maybe we need to ban students who have very little money as well.
Maybe we should tell those on a fixed income they cant have a radio.
Is this really the legacy we want to leave for the new people who get there ticket?
Do we really need to be a group that can only operate if we go to the candy store and pay full price?
Maybe the monitors need to delete any used equipment ads and want to buy adds.
Is it really such a sin to say "Hey I dont have much money, but I really want to get on the air"?
Gee and here I thought this hobby was for anyone.
Stanley Lichtenberg
I am disabled and live on $900 a month. I have 2 kids at home and a lovely wife, who is not employed. I pick up a few hundred bucks on a good month driving cars for a local dealership part time.
I have never asked for anything. I've paid for everything I have. You learn that life gets tougher when your income sucks. I have accepted gifts when offered but never asked for any of it. I usually use the gifts (and their have only been a few) and then pass them on to somebody else in my shoes......and only when they don't ask. See the need and try to fill that need.
It chaps me when I see the poor disabled begging.
I have never asked for anything. I've paid for everything I have. You learn that life gets tougher when your income sucks. I have accepted gifts when offered but never asked for any of it. I usually use the gifts (and their have only been a few) and then pass them on to somebody else in my shoes......and only when they don't ask. See the need and try to fill that need.
It chaps me when I see the poor disabled begging.
Re: I just saw another "Pity me..sell it to me cheap&qu
I've been through tough times. After I was laid off after 7 years at the engineering firm, I ended up having to liquidate almost all of my shack (still lost the house anyway).W9FIB wrote:So does this mean if you are a ham who is layed off during these poor economic times that we are banned from looking for a cheap rig so they can play too?
Maybe we need to ban students who have very little money as well.
Maybe we should tell those on a fixed income they cant have a radio.
Is this really the legacy we want to leave for the new people who get there ticket?
Do we really need to be a group that can only operate if we go to the candy store and pay full price?
Maybe the monitors need to delete any used equipment ads and want to buy adds.
Is it really such a sin to say "Hey I dont have much money, but I really want to get on the air"?
Gee and here I thought this hobby was for anyone.
I had several offers for loaner rigs... all of which I had to turn down since I couldn't put up antennas at the rental we had afterwards anyway. One ham sent me an IC-720A anyway --- with the proviso that I could give it away but not sell it.
Times are better now, I have a new home and a shack full of gear again. [The ICOM has now (with that hams's blessing) been given to a new ham who is on disability due to MS, but that's another story.]
So... I am sympathetic when someone says that they are having a tough time finding a rig with limited funds.
That being said, though, I also take these with a grain of salt.
Because when I was in the process of liquidating equipment, you wouldn't believe the stories I'd hear from people trying to get me to give my equipment away or sell it for a fraction of what I was asking:
-- "My child is a new ham and has no money of his/her own"
-- "I've lost my job and have no money" (Why do you think I was selling the equipment?)
-- "We're representing a church group doing God's work somewhere in the 3rd world, bringing our faith to the heathens. Donate your equipment to God. You may even qualify for a tax writeoff!"
You get the idea.
I'm all for helping out a ham in distress. I've been there. But forgive me if I take these pleas with a jaundiced eye. They don't always pass the smell test.
Re: I just saw another "Pity me..sell it to me cheap&am
From W3WN "So... I am sympathetic when someone says that they are having a tough time finding a rig with limited funds. "
I am too. That is my point.
My idea was to write something to show how ridiculous the original post was. So I decided that others besides the unemployed should be held to the same standard to dis-prove the theory that just because you are unemployed, and trying to find something cheap, you are a bad person.
Instead of ridicule for the unemployed, we should just say that we need a certain price and Im sorry that I cant help you this time. And I repeat my question to those who need to be unkind to lower income people, "Is it a sin to want to enjoy the hobby even though I dont have much money?"
I am too. That is my point.
My idea was to write something to show how ridiculous the original post was. So I decided that others besides the unemployed should be held to the same standard to dis-prove the theory that just because you are unemployed, and trying to find something cheap, you are a bad person.
Instead of ridicule for the unemployed, we should just say that we need a certain price and Im sorry that I cant help you this time. And I repeat my question to those who need to be unkind to lower income people, "Is it a sin to want to enjoy the hobby even though I dont have much money?"
Stanley Lichtenberg
I have seen many ads where people come from different directions, trying to get equipment for free, or next to nothing. I have seen some use the, "I am an old veteran", (what does this matter?)," I have diabetes", or some other illness, using the medical route. Many people have gone through tough times in their life, where money was scarce for whatever the reason. I could never put an ad on here or any other site, asking for handouts. This is just my own opinion. Call it pride,or what have you, it would just never happen. Now, I wonder how many of these people who are asking for freebies smoke cigarettes? The way I look at it is, and this is just one example, if someone wants something bad enough, they can cut costs somewhere else, ie, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, you get the idea. Yes, there are many unfortunate people out there that could use some nice, donated equipment. My problem is, I don't know when someone is being honest, or just wants something for free, only to sell for a profit. I have some ham equipment that I would like to donate, ie, ht's, scanners and the like, but I think I will just go to club meetings, and see if anyone local needs any of it, because to be honest, I don't know who I can trust on the internet. So, right or wrong, I just usually cruise by the ads where people are using every excuse to have equipment given to them. Some might be legit, but I can't tell. 73 to all.
I try not to Judge all such request with such a broad brush as some of you have. If someone is requesting a Cheap radio and you would like to help would it be so hard to take his info and spend a little time verifying his story. Even if say i gave away a radio worth 50-200 dollars and found out later they sold it,whose to say it was not done because of a more desperate need.Yes i know there's slime balls out there with little to no scruples but who here has never asked for help for any number of things and when it was offered turned it down.
Larry Huff K0pd
Pity Me
Seeing the posts that are here, makes me wonder. I did place an ad, and asked for a certain radio for a reasonable price since the one I had was stolen..... Is this wrong to do? I work 70 + hours a week to support my family and cannot spend too much on radio equipment. I am not, and would never ask for, or accept a radio for free, just asking if someone has one to sell, to name me a reasonable price.
73's Art
Art, I see no problem in saying something like "I'm looking for a reasonably priced, working XYZ 248 to replace a stolen one". And I commend you for working 70 hours a week to support your family. I think you have your priorities straight!
IMHO, the problem with a lot of the "POOR ME" genre of ads is that would-be buyer implies that a rig is an entitlement and it's a "GUILT TRIP" for you if you don't sell your rig cheap.
IMHO, the problem with a lot of the "POOR ME" genre of ads is that would-be buyer implies that a rig is an entitlement and it's a "GUILT TRIP" for you if you don't sell your rig cheap.
Re: I just saw another "Pity me..sell it to me cheap&am
W9FIB wrote:From W3WN "So... I am sympathetic when someone says that they are having a tough time finding a rig with limited funds. "
I am too. That is my point.
My idea was to write something to show how ridiculous the original post was. So I decided that others besides the unemployed should be held to the same standard to dis-prove the theory that just because you are unemployed, and trying to find something cheap, you are a bad person.
Instead of ridicule for the unemployed, we should just say that we need a certain price and Im sorry that I cant help you this time. And I repeat my question to those who need to be unkind to lower income people, "Is it a sin to want to enjoy the hobby even though I dont have much money?"
Very well said.
Broad brush negative judgements are more suspicious than a simple request for a deal on a rig. Don't care to help, just move along.
Sell it to me cheap.....
Hmmm...let's see if this gets in where I would like it to.
I was placed on permanent disability 1 1/2 years ago after a very serious condition that left me in the hospital for over 2 months. I sit at home bored, and have been trying to get my ham station back up so I can do something I like with my time. My disability check doesn't allow me to be very fancy, and if someone will sell me something a little cheaper than usual, I would be extremely grateful. I don't expect something for nothing...ever. Then again, I would not look for a Cadillac rig or 12 element yagi with 100' tower either.
I would be very angry if the tables were turned and I saw someone trying to sell something for a profit after I gave them a break on the original price.
I was placed on permanent disability 1 1/2 years ago after a very serious condition that left me in the hospital for over 2 months. I sit at home bored, and have been trying to get my ham station back up so I can do something I like with my time. My disability check doesn't allow me to be very fancy, and if someone will sell me something a little cheaper than usual, I would be extremely grateful. I don't expect something for nothing...ever. Then again, I would not look for a Cadillac rig or 12 element yagi with 100' tower either.
I would be very angry if the tables were turned and I saw someone trying to sell something for a profit after I gave them a break on the original price.
First off, I will say that I did not see the original radio wanted ad, but this was posted today in the classified ads.
A recent post in the classifieds. " - FOR FREE: THANKS !!!
*WOW* DAN Thanks a million for coming to my aid with a great Kenwood Transceiver "100%" very nice and for a low price,no thanks to you fat cats out there that were so called helping me out,you should be ashamed that you are somewhat part of the problem with ham trading ! Anyway now back on the air and still have some ham funds to get a linear amp - got one for sale ? Thanks & 73".
I wish I could see the original ad. I wonder if the radio donor knew that this guy had money for an amplifier?? Now all was good with his ad, until the, " no thanks to all you fat cat's out there that were so called helping me out, you should be ashamed that you are somewhat part of the problem with ham trading". Excuse me, but you are owed this charity why? Sorry, but someone that has funds for an amplifier, is not all that needy. Kudos to Dan for donating, but the recipient didn't sound to needy to me. Just my opinion.
A recent post in the classifieds. " - FOR FREE: THANKS !!!
*WOW* DAN Thanks a million for coming to my aid with a great Kenwood Transceiver "100%" very nice and for a low price,no thanks to you fat cats out there that were so called helping me out,you should be ashamed that you are somewhat part of the problem with ham trading ! Anyway now back on the air and still have some ham funds to get a linear amp - got one for sale ? Thanks & 73".
I wish I could see the original ad. I wonder if the radio donor knew that this guy had money for an amplifier?? Now all was good with his ad, until the, " no thanks to all you fat cat's out there that were so called helping me out, you should be ashamed that you are somewhat part of the problem with ham trading". Excuse me, but you are owed this charity why? Sorry, but someone that has funds for an amplifier, is not all that needy. Kudos to Dan for donating, but the recipient didn't sound to needy to me. Just my opinion.
I can remember a time when a ham friend of mine lost everything to a house fire and being a disabled WW2 vet ham radio was his life so to speak. When he asked me after the fire if he could come over to use my station to make a weekly contact with an old Navy Radio Op that he was in the service with I told him I would even come get him. Within two weeks we had a station ready to setup in his temporary digs. Once his insurance came through he returned it all. I for one find doing something nice for someone far more enjoyable than coming on here and complaining about them. If you have more money than some unfortunate person do you think you are superior to them? When you are judged will you have even on nice thing you can proclaim for yourself?
Give the poor guy a break! Not all of us that are hams are EE's making 150 to 200 grand a year. But i do have a gripe about guys that try to buy dirt cheap then sell on Ebay and make a huge profit. I have had several people respond to my add for my Drake TR-4/AC-4/MS-4 asking if i will take $100.00 over my $300.00 im asking. NO FREAKING WAY!! I simply tell them to look elsewere. Im not the welfare dept. I dont give away anything.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:28 am
- Location: Laredo, Texas
Re: I just saw another "Pity me..sell it to me cheap&qu
I am sorry you had a bad experience. I have an ad up requesting a radio or gear, unlike yourself I have not been fortunate to have ever owned a radio but I do aspire to. MY call sign is KE5PVO, MY name is Ruben Alonzo Aceves, I still live at the same place, still married to the same woman, but do NOT have the same job anymore due to this whacked out economy.wx1f wrote:What a crock!! I just saw another ad from a guy who was whining that he got laid off....so please sell him a rig for next to nothing". Where's his self-respect?? Did he flush it down the crapper this morning??? If I was a QTH monitor, I would press the delete button every time they post a want ad. You know they are trying to buy cheap and resell higher. Just grates me to see that kind of "beggar ad". The LAST rig I donated, shiowed up for sale on here and when I Googled the guy's call sign, his club page came up showing his RV, which he "used to travel extensively and for field days"!!!.
Not all of the ads you see are a crock, mine for certain is not, if you have a question about it, please call me direct, 956-242-4351 or email me to siromega@yahoo.com.
Cheers and God Bless.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:28 am
- Location: Laredo, Texas
Ultimate scam Artist?
There is a ham that is supposedly a school teacher who advertises for donations of equipment to a JR High radio club. I see this "school teacher" at hamfests driving $70K plus sports cars with his begging literature inside and the table where he sells the donated gear in the flea market. I have NEVER heard the club station on the air. Someone please tell me that this is legit, but I know enough local hams that can benefit from gear donations than to take the chance on this guy.
Re: Ultimate scam Artist?
He is an eBay Power Seller too! I purchased some egg insulators from him and he sent along the "literature" asking for my donations. Has anybody called that school to see if there is a club?ki4es wrote:There is a ham that is supposedly a school teacher who advertises for donations of equipment to a JR High radio club. I see this "school teacher" at hamfests driving $70K plus sports cars with his begging literature inside and the table where he sells the donated gear in the flea market. I have NEVER heard the club station on the air. Someone please tell me that this is legit, but I know enough local hams that can benefit from gear donations than to take the chance on this guy.
Maybe I'll do a little research.
Steve - KA9MOT
I had an quite an experience not too long ago while trying to help out a "disabled" ham. He was looking for a complete radio setup for a 'reasonable' price.
He wanted radio (internal tuner a must), desk mic, ample power supply, code key, dummy load, TVI filter, swr/pwr meter, and antenna.
I have a TS-440SAT, matching PS-50 power supply, MC-60A desk mic, 300w dummy load, TVI filter (rated at 1500w), swr/pwr meter, and code key that I offered to sell to him for $550.00 shipped.
I receive an email back from this guy saying that he is interested and required that I email him high-quality pics of all of the gear. Oh, and BTW, he could only pay $500.00.
I replied to him declining his offer and withdrew my offer for him to purchase the gear for $550.00
Now, I am sure that some of you may think that I was wrong in not complying with his request. Honestly, I was offended and felt that he was taking advantage of me. I really didn't want to part with the gear (it belonged to my Dad who passed away last year), but was willing to help out a fellow ham in need.
I understand that hardships happen, Lord knows I've had my share, but if you can't afford the hobby then wait for better times. I felt that the price I quoted him for the equipment was more than fair and less than I would have expected to pay for the same items had I been looking to buy.
The guy eventually found some hams that donated gear to him, and that's great, but I did offer to do what I thought was fair and reasonable.
He wanted radio (internal tuner a must), desk mic, ample power supply, code key, dummy load, TVI filter, swr/pwr meter, and antenna.
I have a TS-440SAT, matching PS-50 power supply, MC-60A desk mic, 300w dummy load, TVI filter (rated at 1500w), swr/pwr meter, and code key that I offered to sell to him for $550.00 shipped.
I receive an email back from this guy saying that he is interested and required that I email him high-quality pics of all of the gear. Oh, and BTW, he could only pay $500.00.
I replied to him declining his offer and withdrew my offer for him to purchase the gear for $550.00
Now, I am sure that some of you may think that I was wrong in not complying with his request. Honestly, I was offended and felt that he was taking advantage of me. I really didn't want to part with the gear (it belonged to my Dad who passed away last year), but was willing to help out a fellow ham in need.
I understand that hardships happen, Lord knows I've had my share, but if you can't afford the hobby then wait for better times. I felt that the price I quoted him for the equipment was more than fair and less than I would have expected to pay for the same items had I been looking to buy.
The guy eventually found some hams that donated gear to him, and that's great, but I did offer to do what I thought was fair and reasonable.
Last edited by W4AIN on Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Phil - W4AIN
On The Air Communications
On The Air Communications
WOW! That is a sweet deal.
I am a disabled ham. I live on $970 a month plus whatever I can manage to legally scratch together.
I have a modest Hamshack (See it on my callsign lookup) that was mostly paid for by me, has modern gear in it. I have taken Gifts from several Hams, most notably KA9NRT, WD9IWN and KA9EEM.
I think you were right to refuse the sale. Yes, those of us who live on very little money do struggle and have to shop wisely, but when somebody is offering you what is obviously a substantially reduced price, you don't try to haggle that price down. If he had a $500 budget, he should have said so in his ad.
He may have been fishing for gifts. I detest that kind of behavior. It is nothing more then preying on the kindhearted and makes every disabled ham look like a bum.
I am also sure that there are many "Disabled" Hams who prey on the kindhearted, and the donated equipment is put on eBay lickety split
Anybody can say the are Disabled. Nobody has ever asked me to show proof that I was disabled except the State of Illinois so I could get my free fishing license.
I am a disabled ham. I live on $970 a month plus whatever I can manage to legally scratch together.
I have a modest Hamshack (See it on my callsign lookup) that was mostly paid for by me, has modern gear in it. I have taken Gifts from several Hams, most notably KA9NRT, WD9IWN and KA9EEM.
I think you were right to refuse the sale. Yes, those of us who live on very little money do struggle and have to shop wisely, but when somebody is offering you what is obviously a substantially reduced price, you don't try to haggle that price down. If he had a $500 budget, he should have said so in his ad.
He may have been fishing for gifts. I detest that kind of behavior. It is nothing more then preying on the kindhearted and makes every disabled ham look like a bum.
I am also sure that there are many "Disabled" Hams who prey on the kindhearted, and the donated equipment is put on eBay lickety split
Anybody can say the are Disabled. Nobody has ever asked me to show proof that I was disabled except the State of Illinois so I could get my free fishing license.
Last edited by KA9MOT on Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Steve - KA9MOT
Right on!
Very well said!
It's not about being uncharitable!
The people who are complaining that this post indicates a proclivity against charity are wrong.
The problem is that the internet is awash with scam artists, just waiting to deposit millions into your bank account or overpay for items with bad cheques (so you send the refund before you realize the cheque has gone boinga-boinga) or ship you your British Lottery winnings if you only pay a small fee.
Or, in some cases, post phony bleeding-heart want ads to try and score some really cheap inventory to resell. I really think there are few legitimately needy hams who are going to post want-ads playing the sympathy card. I think most people are going to be like the one guy's disabled WW2 veteran whose house burned down: he's not about to advertise, but he is going to have quiet conversations with friends and probably NOT ask directly for anything. This WW2 guy didn't ask for anything other than to visit to connect on his sked.
I'm all for helping people in need, and it's unfortunate if the odd legitimate request gets tarred with the same brush, but the number of legitimate 'help me, I have diabetes/cancer/financial problems' ads are few and far between.
The problem is that the internet is awash with scam artists, just waiting to deposit millions into your bank account or overpay for items with bad cheques (so you send the refund before you realize the cheque has gone boinga-boinga) or ship you your British Lottery winnings if you only pay a small fee.
Or, in some cases, post phony bleeding-heart want ads to try and score some really cheap inventory to resell. I really think there are few legitimately needy hams who are going to post want-ads playing the sympathy card. I think most people are going to be like the one guy's disabled WW2 veteran whose house burned down: he's not about to advertise, but he is going to have quiet conversations with friends and probably NOT ask directly for anything. This WW2 guy didn't ask for anything other than to visit to connect on his sked.
I'm all for helping people in need, and it's unfortunate if the odd legitimate request gets tarred with the same brush, but the number of legitimate 'help me, I have diabetes/cancer/financial problems' ads are few and far between.
Re: It's not about being uncharitable!
Elucidated well....ve4xt wrote:The people who are complaining that this post indicates a proclivity against charity are wrong.
The problem is that the internet is awash with scam artists, just waiting to deposit millions into your bank account or overpay for items with bad cheques (so you send the refund before you realize the cheque has gone boinga-boinga) or ship you your British Lottery winnings if you only pay a small fee.
Or, in some cases, post phony bleeding-heart want ads to try and score some really cheap inventory to resell. I really think there are few legitimately needy hams who are going to post want-ads playing the sympathy card. I think most people are going to be like the one guy's disabled WW2 veteran whose house burned down: he's not about to advertise, but he is going to have quiet conversations with friends and probably NOT ask directly for anything. This WW2 guy didn't ask for anything other than to visit to connect on his sked.
I'm all for helping people in need, and it's unfortunate if the odd legitimate request gets tarred with the same brush, but the number of legitimate 'help me, I have diabetes/cancer/financial problems' ads are few and far between.