Discussing PayPal payment/fees/personal etc. with your ad.

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Discussing PayPal payment/fees/personal etc. with your ad.

Post by kd3zx »

The place to discuss PayPal payments with your potential buyer, trader , or whatever is not within your posted fs ad. Fees, fees, fees, that is all you here about. Now it's starting with the pay under personal, no fees. This has been going on too long. I think it's about time some of you guy's wise up. Don't use PayPal if you're that concerned about the fees, and in reality, it is YOU as the seller that is responsible for the transaction fees according to PayPal policy.

If you work something out with your buyer privately to pay the fees, that's all well and fine. All I'm saying is, it is senseless, and very annoying, to post about the PayPal fees all of the time with your ad. Also, if these jokers that keep advertising about send payment under the "Personal Tab" all of the time, how long do you think it will take PayPal to catch on and create a loophole, or change there policy under that personal tab?

The reason why I posted this is someone just placed another ad that has more information about how they want their PayPal payment, than the item they are actually selling! Jeez, I needed to vent. Thank you, Mark :oops:
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Quit Adding "Paypal Fees" to you ad !

Post by KK2DOG »

I agree with you Mark. First and foremost, adding a 3, 3.5, or whatever percent "Paypal Fee" is totally against Paypal's Terms of Service (TOS) that folks agreed to when they signed-up in the first place.

If a merchant decided to pass along a banks typical 3.0% fee to a customer who decided to use a credit card or bank transfer for their purchase, methinks ALOT of customers would balk at that.


If you REALLY need the 3-4% "Paypal Fee"...incorporate it into your asking price. Instead of selling that rotor for $100, sell it for $103 instead.

End of lesson. Now wasn't that easy?
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Post by KC9TUS »

What I don't understand.... Why do people ask for more than 3%?
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*WARNING* Good luck with Paypal

Post by NR7J »

If you are a seller good luck using Paypal. Here's what's happening.

You sell a radio to someone, that someone can take/swap parts out of your radio and then file a claim with Paypal that the radio doesn't work.
Paypal will hold your money for up to a month while THEY decide what to do.
You will end up with a broken radio and the buyer will get his refund.
When it happens to you come back here and post.

For now I'm saying goodbye to PAYPAL after 800+ transactions.
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Paypal Paypal Paypal AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by kd3zx »

I knew this would be turning into an issue. Check out all of the hype on QTH.com about PayPal guys. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that had issues with these Morons posting more info about how they want their PayPal payment than the gear they are selling. I guess I don't require anger management after all! :)
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Post by N9LCD »

Why do people charge more than 3% for using PayPal?

First, the actual PayPal charge is somewhat more than 3%, depending on the selling price.

Second, if you don't link PayPal to your bank account and you want your sales proceeds, you have to pay for a paper check.

And what's the problem of mentioning the PayPal fee in an ad? I use a gas station that prominently posts CASH and CREDIT prices. Naturally, I pay cash and save $0.04 per gallon.


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Post by KA9FOX »

N9LCD wrote:And what's the problem of mentioning the PayPal fee in an ad? I use a gas station that prominently posts CASH and CREDIT prices. Naturally, I pay cash and save $0.04 per gallon.
When you accept Credit Cards or PayPal, it is legal to give a cash discount, but it is against their terms and conditions to CHARGE MORE for accepting a CC or PayPal.

To stay in PayPal's good graces, you could offer to sell an item for $104, but then offer a $4 "cash discount".

To break the rules, you would sell an item for $100, and tell people it's an extra $4 if you pay with PayPal.

Up to you how you want to live life... play by the rules, or break them and take your chances.

- Scott
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Post by N9LCD »


Thank-you, I stand corrected. You've proposed a reasonable, compliant alternative.


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Re: Discussing PayPal payment/fees/personal etc. with your a

Post by kg8lb »

K9XR wrote:
kd3zx wrote:Also, if these jokers that keep advertising about send payment under the "Personal Tab" all of the time, how long do you think it will take PayPal to catch on and create a loophole, or change there policy under that personal tab?
It used to be that you could only send "personal" payments from your PayPal balance. Now you can use a credit card and pay the fees. I don't really think PayPal cares who does what as long as they make money and believe me, they do.
Paypal is growing. They are now moving into retail stores ! Good deal . :D
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Post by kd3zx »

Ok guys, my final comments. I have no problem with someone in their ad including PayPal, or Postal MO, or whatever as payment. There is nothing wrong with that. My beef was, and still is, the ads stating, PayPal +3%, PayPal +4%, PayPal gift only, PayPal under personal tab money owed, etc, etc. All this is doing is blatantly stating, as a seller, "i am not going to pay the fees, if you use PayPal, even though as a seller, I am responsible for, according to PayPal policy, to pay the fees for this transaction. Plain and simple.

If this is discussed after the sale, directly with the buyer, on the phone, with email, or however, it is none of my business how you want to manipulate the system. I always calculate the PayPal fees, shipping, etc, into the price of the gear with a little room for negotiating. Makes it a heck of a lot easier. That's just the way I do things.

I've had hundreds of PayPal transactions, and only have had two incidents, one that involved idenity theft, and a stolen credit card, and the other was item not received. Both incidents were handled by PayPal, in a timely fashion, with full refunds.

This morning I've seen at least 12 ads posted, not just on QTH, that are practicing, the same BS that I mentioned. I as a buyer, will never buy from these guys that are too cheap to pay the fees that they are responsible for. It is not my fault they are not smart enough to just absorb, or pad their price a bit to cover their PayPal fees and or shipping, as a SELLER, and avoid posting all of these annoying PayPal demands.

I'm done, thanks for all of the comments.


Post by amychuang »

Appreciate the info, it’s good to know.
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PayPal upcharge fees?

Post by N0ISV »

Yes it is AGAINST PayPal rules to add extra fees when selling things. What ever you call it, Honest Ham should not do it!
I think this point alone keeps many Hams from using PP? I like my funds to get to the seller ASAP, or there funds to get to me ASAP.
ASAP- does not, will not, never has happened with the soon to go out of business usps.
To pay for or help split the illegal fees charged by well meaning Hams, does not help the problem.
It does seem best to just add a few dollars to the sale price to cover the fees. Not 4%-8%!

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