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I got my ticket, a hand me down 830, and trying to get on the air.
My problem is the 830 takes a four prong microphone adapter and all the current microphones come including my MC 60, with a 7 or 8 prong connector.
What I need is an old MC 50 microphone out of someones junk pile or one willing to sell cheap. Anyone have one?
I could go out and purchase a fancy-shmany rig, with all the bells and whistles but I would rather grow into that as my skills develop.
Kenwood made an adapter at one point, but no longer.
Jim you could remove the mic end on the microphone and replace it with a 4 pin. Also you can find adapters on E bay. I also believe some one has been advertising adapters on QTH. Not that hard to find and buy a Mic with the 4 pin mic connecter for a Kenwood.