Despite following all the wisdom of using Pay-Pal and Visa, insuring that the seller had a good QRZ page and all the information matched I got scammed.
Sale was for AL-811H from W3ATS. Emails (2) all worked and called him on the listed phone number. Negotiated the deal and sent the money via Pay-Pal. Seller said he would pack it up that night and ship tomorrow, remove the tubes etc. and send me shipping info. That was two days before Thanksgiving. Two days later on the Friday after, no shipping info and repeated emails to both addresses produced no results. Called the phone number listed and it no longer works. This guy has just disappeared with my money. And of course no UPS truck at this QTH.
After the fact detective work revealed a few concerns.
1st the QRZ page for W3ATS has 4 photos on it. Two show him (if is it him)
working on a tower doing antenna work. The building has a brick wall. Going to the map on QRZ of his listed address and clicking the satellite view shows a 6 unit apartment building with white siding not brick and no tower or antenna visible.
2nd. one photo has seller seated at a ham station presumably his. On closer inspection and saving the photo and zooming in there is a ham call engraved sign that says WA3LLF who is a ham in the area named William T Leggat not the seller I am dealing with. May just be a friend but also may be an accomplice.
Filed a complaint with Pay-Pal and Visa. Avoid any dealings with W3ATS or
I did contact WA3LLF and left messages but have not heard back.
After more emails today asking for him to please contact me and noting the complaint filed with PP he did get back to me with an excuse that he has been in the hospital for about a week with unexpected health issues and would ship the unit by tomorrow night. Stay tuned.
Update 2:
Seller is shipping today and has offered to refund the shipping charges. This may end well.
Update 3. The uncle (WA3LLF) finally responded and said that the seller was back in the hospital and had been there for approx two weeks. He was to get out last Friday, 12/15 and that he was to pick him up and take him home. Further that he would personally get the package to UPS that day and get me shipping and tracking info. He did and the amp is indeed on the way scheduled for delivery on 12/21. Seems that this was all an unfortunate series of events. BTW the uncle, Bill has been very forthcoming and cooperative in getting this resolved.
I got scammed
I got scammed
Last edited by slbusick on Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The email address listed for W3ATS on QRZ is tomtheairplane @ not
Phil - W4AIN
On The Air Communications
On The Air Communications
I would contact WA3LLF and see if he would be willing to help you. It couldn't hurt.
His email is
His email is
Steve - KA9MOT