For reports of scammers using other people's callsigns. Remember that any callsigns listed in this forum are likely innocent bystanders (subjects of identity theft) and, thus, are probably not guilty of anything. For bad transactions with verified ham operators, use the Feedback Forum instead.
I got a response from this scammer for a WTB add I placed. At first, his email seemed legit--photos and description were good and he wasn't too eager. I made him an offer then he sent me this message:
Thanks for your responds and i accept your offer of $315 including
shipping and insurance to your doorstep, I will use USPS for the
shipping.. I normally use bank transfer in my transaction but my wife
do have a paypal account which she uses for her business.. Her paypal
email is and as soon as payment is sent,
let me know thanks
Grammar was bad and I always find it fishy when someone defers me to a PayPal address that is not their own.
This same person contacted me about a WTB ad, said he had what I wanted, and sent pictures. I found the same pictures on the internet including the picture of the serial number. He wanted payment sent to his wife's PPal address associated with the name Wang Taotao. I recognized the bad grammar immediately in the email you posted. "Thanks for your responds,I will be asking $60 including shipping and
insurance to your doorstep,Let me know if the price is OK with you
thanks" is what he sent me. He used the name Harry Stowe and callsign VE3HXA.