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Post by N7VPI »

KF7EKL and the misrepresented FT-100d
« on: Yesterday at 04:20:15 PM »
I am writing about this unscrupulous Ham (KF7EKL-James Porter) who ripped me off!

I found a FT100D on Craigslist that was listed as a great working radio, "Works great on all bands, inall modes(Full power out)" it was advertised as coming with: ATAS 100 antenna, power cord, mic, manual, duplexer.
Well unfortunately I met this guy at night...So I couldn't see it too well and learned a lesson.

This radio was manufactured 2000-2001.
I was trading him my 2yo FT-817nd in pristine condition with everything included and it all worked properly.

I wanted a FT-100d for years and had thought I got one from a honest Ham.

The faceplate was for a FT100 and not the D model, I didn't find out until I got home. He never mentioned it...
The power out on a CW/SSB transmit is only 8 watts on my Bird 43.
No duplexer, He said he would look for it. Been a week and no joy.
I did message him twice on Facebook, No response....
Tried to reach him via email-NO EMAIL
Tried Facebook he friended me then he dumped me.
The phone number he used is some kind of inaccessible number.
I do have his address:

KF7EKl. James Porter
3615 S. Mason
Tacoma, Washington 98409

Stay away from this guy he works for The Pierce County Jail and is an Intake Processor. Kind of sad that a Public servant is such a thief and a Ham.
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