I bought an amp from an ad here on QTH from him on 1/25/16. He acknowledged receiving payment on 1/28/16 with the message
"Hi Bob, Amp is ready to ship, tubes in an extra padded part of the box. I will have a tracking number for you tomorrow or maybe even later today."
A few days passed, then the seperate tubes arrived. Amp did not, but I didn't stress about that.
I again reached out to him on 2/1 asking for the tracking info which I yet to receive. He responded " Aloha Bob
The amp is on the way. tubes are separate, but all are enroute
Mahalo and 73
I wanted a few more days, and on 2/6 again asked for the tracking number, his replay was " My guys who take care of that stuff are off on Saturday, let me ask them and get back to you."
Followed up to not getting a response Tuesday, he response was
" I will be back in action by tomorrow – I can follow up then. This bloody amp has caused me so much grief I wished I had put it in the dumpster – greedy, cheap, tightwad hams, I swear I will never try to any one a favor again.
Now, comes Thursday... he sent a picture of a box which he claims amp is in, and says "Aloha and good afternoon,
Yours is the one on top, all are set to go when my guys can get them taken to FedEx and UPS.....not to mention the USPS.
I was out of the office most of this week and for that I apologize.
Now, I am confused..... as you can see.... Dr Jekyll / My Hyde stuff going on here...... going from being nice, to name calling, to being nice again..... Oh, but wait! 2 hours later on Thursday, this message came
" By the way, you have received four 811A tubes sent separately that are equal or more than the money you sent – no you aren’t being scammed but you are a pain in the ass.
Cheap, tight-fisted, cry baby hams.....something for nothing, cry when free stuff isn’t sent by private courier.
Anyway it will go when I get a chance to organize it, now it is on the bottom of the pile
Again, I have no idea what is going on. About an hour and a half later, another message
" You are on the list, I think maybe the sockets the bad tubes were in will be the first place you look, other than the fan that quit.
I have not heard back again, notice, no tracking number provided.....
I paid with a USPS money order, and sent it to his registered call sign address. I did not even complain when the tubes arrived, one was internally broken, and one has air in tube, so two of them were d.o.a. - - at least a two of them tested out as usable, not super, but usable at least.
I usually have good luck here, dealing with fellow hams. Unfortunately
something isn't right about this round. If someone know BOB KH6KG can you fill me in on whats going on? There are currently 5 posts under that callsign, I don't see any bad feedback posted - I see no feedback at all posted for that callsign.
I am at a loss of knowing what to do here....... I have never had an experience like this...... I certainly do not care for being lied to, and being called names........ wow