Those that say no paypal no sale.

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Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by rich1212 »

Dont by any means think you can not be scammed on Paypal. Actually, it is probably the easiest way to scam you because you think you can trust paypal.

Do some google searching. You can be scammed out of your money or item in a instant. It is easy, simple, and the best part, it will be your trusted method that screws you.

Look into it. You will see it is not safe at all. I finally opened a Merchant Inc account and accept only credit card payments. Money is instant transfer and the cards are screened.

Paypal reacts to information and complaints given them. It is simple enough to contest a sale and have it settled in my favor and keep your money and item. It is very difficult to prove much of anything to paypal. Sometimes they actually do what they say. Sometimes the do not. When they dont, your screwed and I win. Bear in mind, it is not Paypal's idea to rip you off. Actually, they are not doing anything to you at all. The culprit would be me. They are merely reacting to information given them and as long as it is within terms of service it is hard for them to question much. The only way I would accept PP would be on a small item that can be sent certified mail return receipt requested. That is iron clad proof that the buyer received something. Oops the old catch 22 again. Yes Mr. Paypal, I did receive a box in the mail. The box was empty.
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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by W4UDX »

RIGHT! That's why all the BUYERS on here love PayPal but not the sellers. All these forum threads supporting PayPal fail to mention how badly a seller can get screwed by using PayPal. Parts swappers (or switchers, which ever you prefer) LOVE PayPal because they can get the parts they need to fix up their piece of crap radio and sell it... or use it. The parts swapper saves a bunch of money on parts and labor and you end up getting back a non-working and possibly beat up and ugly radio, and there's nothing you can do about it. PayPal doesn't give a s#*! about sellers. They have no protection. But all the pro-paypal buyers think that we should be OK with that. That's OK..... maybe after they get burned by parts swappers a few times they will rethink their position on that. I've been a victim of parts swapping in the past and PayPal basically said "sorry about your luck". Money order or nothing as far as I'm concerned.
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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by ah7i »

Who are these "parts swappers"? I see many references but no names. How about doing us all a favor and identifying them!
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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by kc7mf »

Complain all you want about PayPal. I take it, have sold hundreds of items, and have never had a problem. When buying, it is PayPal or credit card or you can keep your stuff. Sending a usps money order, which is for all intent and purpose money, to someone you do not know is not too smart. Oh and by the way. I won't pay the fee unless I am the seller.

I too want to see one of these parts swappers identified. I never have.
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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by wb5q »

After my experience with a scammer and using PayPal , I am in total agreement. PayPal work to help me and resinded my payment to said scammer and has, they say, have gone after him.
Hope they hang him out to dry!
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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by kd4lyh »

I use to not like PayPal. I have no problems using it now
. I sent a Post office money order and been took. Good like trying to get your money back. Not as easy as one thinks plus all the time wasted. Just my 2 cents. When I see adds No PayPal that sale isn't for me. . The owner of this website even suggest PayPal. If a radio is sold as is and you pay the fees that should be the end of it. A seller has no way of knowing if a rig will last 1 day 1 week or five years.

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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by N9XKH »

I do not use pay pal, somewhere I have an account that someone sent money into but I have never been able to get back into the account so it was lost to paypal, its theirs. I have had issues with PO MOs but eventually the money was refunded (n fact somehow they sent out two checks!! I could have doubled my money!!!) I will not use paypal.


this applies to any money sent electronically, not just radios. not just to business transactions. remember the push for a cashless society last year? THIS is why, not a shortage of coins. The goal was everyone using paypal and the rest of the easy pay systems. So if you sell a radio for $1,000, paypal and ALL banks are required to report it as income as of 1-1-2022. (remember how this administration was going to tax the rich? YOU are the "rich" they were talking about). that thousand dollar radio? The taxes will be roughly 35% thats roughly $350.00 of your "income" when its all done. Federal taxes, state taxes, county taxes, city taxes, SS (the full not half you pay at work) and all of the other misc taxes. If you are in a high tax bracket it could be over 50% now. So the postal MO is the ONLY way to sell anything...or cash at a hamfest or an in person meeting.
Safe buying, 73 Dennis
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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by ac9xh »

I used to use Paypal, but not much lately.

Im on a tight income and when ebay and paypal take their fees its doesnt pay to sell alot. In my own opinon. guess thats why im not wealthy. I dont knock others for using it ,just not my cup of tea.

I will do a money order, bank check, or preloaded gift card if the other person oks it. For buying, i have completed puchases with paypal in the past but dont do it anymore

I generally try to trust people to a point since we all are legitimately trying to enjoy our hobby.If i come across an ad that says no paypal,no sale, i simply go down the list and find something else, or bide my time to find something at bargain price to buy. Im not an instant gratification guy."ohhh i have to have it now". I can wait for my money order to clear and receive email for tracking.

just recently i purchased a qrp rig off a pretty nice ham and i lost the tracking ,since USPS had misrouted the package, this ham emailed me the tracking number again
Thats what i call brotherhood. he didnt have to, but out of good will he did. I get more personal with the sender or buyer with money orders. Trust,.

Now that i said that, if i want a 1000 radio i will buy off a dealer unless the ham lives within a reasonable distance, and then i will meet, greet and if interested buy it. anything under a certain amount like $100, i usually will have no problem sending a money order.
guess in my 60 some years,i still believe in the art of Trust and being a Gentleman and Honor.I also have had fellow hams send me their radio before i had time to go and puchase a money order. That is how my mentors taught me to be also. alot of good in alot of hams. unfortunately even in our ranks are those who will deceive, lie and steal for the thrill of it.

Now for the USPS, i have nothing but disgust for them,but its my own personal fight .

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Re: Those that say no paypal no sale.

Post by KY7X »

To the OP. I won't be paid via PP ever. But more importantly, I won't buy or sell to anyone without a call sign. Know what I mean rich1212?
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