Screwed twice- once by scammer and once by Paypal

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Joined: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:04 am

Screwed twice- once by scammer and once by Paypal

Post by k4mt »

Sold a radio to a guy and received paypal payment. He received radio and sent me a message telling me how well it worked. He then went to Paypal and claimed someone hacked his account and someone else sent me the money and not him. Without even an email from Paypal to say there was a problem they refunded his money and when I called them they said it was an unauthorized payment. Now no answer on his phone or replies to emails. Paypal says there is nothing I can do.

No more Paypal for me

Gary K4MT
Posts: 330
Joined: Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:32 pm

Re: Screwed twice- once by scammer and once by Paypal

Post by N9LCD »


Drop me a line at your convenience. Maybe I can help.

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Joined: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:04 am

Re: Screwed twice- once by scammer and once by Paypal

Post by k4mt »

This guy was good. I talked to USPS delivery lady. Address he had on Paypal went to an abandoned house. She remembered him because he was waiting on the front porch for the package and thought he was a new owner of a house that had been empty for some time.. I had sent it signature required.

He obviously watched tracking and decided to sit at that house and wait.

Still fighting this battle.

Great scam and easy to pull off.
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Re: Screwed twice- once by scammer and once by Paypal

Post by Tiburon »

I know this post is a few months old, but I have to ask, why not post his name (even though it may be fake) and all other pertinent info? It might help someone else in the future avoid him or it might be used as additional material for someone else who may have been scammed by the same guy. If he ripped you off, you have absolutely nothing to worry about as far as him coming after you for making a false allegation. Share that information and help out the rest of the community. For example:

Terry Lamb
Call Sign: W5AAR (old callsigns W5OKU and KA5IDD)
email addresses:
65294 s. 4710 rd.
Westville, OK 74965 Address appears to be fake. Map searches of the address can't really match up the address to a real location.
eBay user names:
Banned from multiple ham radio sites, known scammer, and eBay non-paying bidder. Probably has other email addresses, user names, etc that he uses to scam and steal from others.
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