N8FVJ James Benedict NOT SO HONEST

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N8FVJ James Benedict NOT SO HONEST

Post by ae6or »

I purchased an old radio from Jim, when I received the radio found the power plug purely soldered directly in to the power plug and no fuses in line.
- He DISHONESTLY failed to disclose that the power cord is soldered in to the plug, no fuses and the plug is butchered.
When I emailed him about the problem, I asked what is his solution, he stated: WHAT IS BUTCHERED ABOUT THAT? 'BUY A CONNECTOR AND UNSLODER THE WIRES IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT"
For me is unacceptable to do that to a power plug. Plus that plug can never be used for its normally intended use.
First of all is unsafe, no protection in line to the wires he soldered and they can short anytime blowing off the back of the radio and could potentially cause your shack to get in fire. We are talking about lots of amps source here, and this is not a joke.
Bad practice bad attitude and dishonest seller.
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Re: N8FVJ James Benedict NOT SO HONEST

Post by N8FVJ »

It is true power wires are soldered direct to connector with heat shrink over connector for a neat appearance. The original leads did not have an in-line fuse, fuse is in a holder on back of radio. I never considered that an issue. Why would I? Radio operates perfect. I did refund money to buyer after his complaint for a new connector. I am not dishonest, sold over 1000 items on eBay for 10 years with 100% positive feedback and will refund anything I sell. Contact me for my ebay ID if you have concerns.
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Re: N8FVJ James Benedict NOT SO HONEST

Post by N8FVJ »

BTW Fire Hazard? Fuse is on radio back, never was in-line from the factory. A 40 year old connector has a greater chance of over heating vs soldered wires. Further, power supplies shutdown on shorts. The radio is not unsafe in the least. This Ham is exaggerating.
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Joined: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:23 pm

Re: N8FVJ James Benedict NOT SO HONEST

Post by N8FVJ »

And, the connector on the radio is not butchered in the least. New owner can unsolder the wires and install a $5 Molex connector if they want. What an exaggeration. Some Hams are 'cry babies' and this Ham certainly is a 'cry baby'.
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