AE5OX - Anyone know this op?

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Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

AE5OX - Anyone know this op?

Post by w0bkr »

Talked on the phone in Aug, committed to buying an item from me, told him I would hold it for him so we can meet and exchanged. Passed along same in email. October now, still has not paid, never answers emails. I guess I am the only one who considers his word worth something, obviously his isn't. Wierd encounter. Not sure what to think. No explanation, nothing....perhaps off his meds maybe? Anyway, don't know this guy but not looking like an honest one...
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Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:23 pm

Re: AE5OX - Anyone know this op?

Post by K1ZH »

That kind of thing happens all of the time. I've learned you should never hold up the sale of an item - ever. The first one to send money gets the gear. I think there is some kind of mental disease that people develop whereby they get a sick rush out of "shopping" for an item without ever spending money or receiving the gear. Weirdos...
Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Re: AE5OX - Anyone know this op?

Post by w0bkr »

Happens but certainly demonstrates a lack of character, honest and truthfulness. Could be a meds issue , who knows. But on the list now to avoid...
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