WARNING someone posing as VE6KDX SCAM ALERT!

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Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:45 pm

WARNING someone posing as VE6KDX SCAM ALERT!

Post by K7HN »

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Sorry to have to report this but someone is posing as Karl Doody (KE6VDX)
They’re saying in very poor grammar that they have many different rigs for sale. Be wary and be aware!

Happy Turkey Day!

Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Re: WARNING someone posing as VE6KDX SCAM ALERT!

Post by w0bkr »

Yeah, I received one of the poorly worded responses in my Email
The response is:


Are you still interested in buying this items? as soon as i hear from you i we email you some photos and details,

best regard


What item is he talking about? WHo is I, we?
Smells like an old rotten fish...

If it doesn't feel right, it usually isn't.
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