What hgappened?

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Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:44 pm

What hgappened?

Post by LVPD90 »

This is the response from N3YV AL:
Hello again Bob ,

Sorry for the late response , but I was very busy at the shop

Ok 1/2 of shipping and PayPal,, what does that mean?

I mean I understand shipping but PayPal ???


Al, N3YV currently has an AL-800H listed for sale on QTH. Apparently it's still for sale. I offered him full price. I asked if we could split shipping and PayPal? He requested PayPal. He generously said OK on shipping but PayPal ??? I guess he wants no part of PatPal even though he requested it. So I said, OK, just let me know what you want. No response. I asked again, no response. He is still positing for sale. I'm sorry, but psychologically I was committed to buy the amplifier. I just don't understand people that cut you off and leave you hanging. Possibly he sold it to someone else. No problem, just say it's not for sale.
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:44 pm

Re: What hgappened? N3YV

Post by LVPD90 »

The reason I didn't call him was, I asked him in the beginning how old the amplifier was. He said three years old. That seemed too good to be true. That was a super deal. So when we were ready for payment, I said when you get ready to put the tubes in the shipping box, tell me what the date codes on the tubes are, and I'll get the payment right off to you.I can only speculate that was the deal breaker. He would not communicate with me after that. I bought a 'new in the box' AL-800H once that was actually 14 years old and didn't work. I was just trying to be a little more cautious this time.
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:44 pm

Re: What hgappened?

Post by LVPD90 »

If you were buying a car, would you ask how old AND WHAT'S THE MILEAGE?
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:44 pm

Re: What hgappened?

Post by LVPD90 »

The answer. The AL-800 eventually got re-posted again, however the price jumped up 400.00. I responded again to the ad. I was advised that he had seconds thoughts about his pricing and decided that he was selling the amplifier too cheap. Maybe he should think things over before posting a price that he wouldn't accept.
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