Shake my head

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Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Shake my head

Post by w0bkr »

Bought a used 850 supposedly in excellent working condition. Got it and the power would go up to 50w and then bounce around a bit to 100w. I knew almost right away a bad dc - dc module. Sent it out, got it repaired and confirmed the dx-dx module was in fact bad. Not from shipping from age, etc. A common issue with 850s. Of course, worked up to the time shipped. LOL Sorry, the module doesn't fail for shipping. Sent the Seller a copy of the repair invoice...more or less Oh well. I didn't get 1 hour on the radio when it got here. At least in clear conscience if I ever part with it, I KNOW it does work properly. Some folks need to be honest and just admit, haven't used it in a long while so operational condition, unknown. Glad I repaired it and it will work for someone down the road unless something else fails over time. This was bad out "of the box".
Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Re: Shake my head

Post by w0bkr »

I suppose no conscience...told the previous owner about it...oh well....

Well, will be avoiding him in future transactions.
Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Re: Shake my head

Post by w0bkr »

Another stellar seller, sold me a TS-130 AA3DP, with a bad digital display, no big deal, has an analog display. Was not fully disclosed, on BTW after payment does not receive or transmit either. Now stuck with a junked radio. Should have used PP but this guy didn't have a PP account, so he says.
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Re: Shake my head

Post by LVPD90 »

If you don't mind, who are we talking about? Or is that a secret?
Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Re: Shake my head

Post by w0bkr »

previous post? Call was listed. Regarding the 850 KC0V. Supposedly worked before boxed and didn't work when it got here. No shipping related issues, the DC to DC converter was bad, for some time. So, out of more money. Typical.
Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Re: Shake my head

Post by w0bkr »

You should see this POS AA3DP sent me. Missing screws, corroded inside and out, missing screws on the AF board, no sound coming from the speaker or headphone jack, totally dead. Didn't mention any of this. Only thing I was told is the digital display does not work, but you can use the radio with the analog. Looks like this radio came from a flooded area....
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