K2RP sold and shipped a DOA MFJ 868 to me . His Post
Meter Arrived DOA to KD0USA With no Power plug no wall wart LED s Burnt Out
i Installed a new 9V battery spliced in on existing wire New LED
USED MY WALL WART From my MFJ 989D AT to power the 868 Meter within
Minutes SMOKE POURED out of the MFJ 868 I sent K2RP email told him its
DOA and going to the DUMPSTER
his reply was like his post SAVE IT
Thanks Mr K2RP Mr Ron Pollack
Big Meter small lesson for me . BUY CHEAP GET CHEAP ( Ripped Off )
Shack Cleaning
JJ-38 Key, no shorting bar. Japanese copy of J-38. Unusual piece $30;
Rigblaster Nomic, NIB, $30(SOLD); Opek 2KW SWR/Power meter, NIB model 6L, $40; MFJ 868 Giant SWR/Power meter, 20/200/2K ranges, 6" meter, $50; Photos available, Reasonable offers considered. All plus actual postage, or pickup near San Diego.
Listing #1502882 - Submitted on 08/23/20 by Callsign K2RP, Modified on 08/27/20 - IP:
MFJ 868 Sold by K2RP
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As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
Re: MFJ 868 Sold by K2RP
Buyer admitted to doing some unneeded rewiring before damage occurred. Worked perfectly when it left here!
Re: MFJ 868 Sold by K2RP
In addition, I told him to save it, as I have a friend in his city who is an engineer. My friend was out of town, and agreed to fix it when he returned, but buyer had thrown it out. How can a seller resolve a problem if the buyer disposes of the item? Does this sound fishy?