kx4aa is a scammer
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As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
kx4aa is a scammer
i sold les hunter kx4aa an amplifier here on qth,when he received the amp he said it did not work,i told him to send it back for a refund,i was sent a email that if i sent him $50 he would not post bad feedback and keep the amp,then sends another email telling me several things he has done to the amp trying to make it work,i told him to stop tinkering with it and send it back for a refund,he refused to return it and made good on his word on bashing me,i have made every effort to make him happy but i refused to be extorted,i dont know this guy but it is hard in this world we live in today to trust anyone,i have given more away to help people here on qth than i sell,with that being said beware with dealing with this guy he is a scammer or just very mistrusting,i have all the emails to prove what i have posted for anyone to see,happy trading
Re: kx4aa is a scammer
I'm not a scammer, I paid the $50 for a certified technician to look at it today, he said there is no way this amp worked as I was told by a bold face liar that it ran 200 watts until his 35 amp kicked out. The original photo Jack n9mqn sent me showed the bias boards disconnected. In which I sent back Jack and showed him. Would not send it back after he accused me of burning it up. Afraid he Would keep my money and the amp. Liars and theives do strange things, like say; oh it works! Now he says it worked 4 years ago and got from a deceased ham.(Probaly who was trying to repair it)Been a ham since 1980 and have a commercial license as well, 2nd opinions help. I ask if he would pay my shipping cost by sending a FedEx label, he said No. He found a trusting soul with a heart, but no more. The love of Money does strange things to a man. MY character is worth more then money. 32nd Mason past Master.