Tuning Pulsar A great Product From LARRY HOFER

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Tuning Pulsar A great Product From LARRY HOFER

Post by w8wam »

Recently purchased and original 3.898 Tuning Pecker. It allows you to tune your Amp or Tuner in the SSB mode. Goes in the Audio line and your Amp is tuned with less stress and heat to the tube. I would recomend this method over any pulsar like Ameritron model wich is nothing more than a speed keyer wich again you are tuning in CW. Good job Larry looking forward to another purchase in the future for my ICOM rig. 731s Robin W8WAM
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Re: Tuning Pulsar A great Product From LARRY HOFER

Post by AL7HG »

I just found my K4AVU antenna pulsar and want to use it with my Icom 7300 and amp. Does anyone have the paperwork/tuning procedure info for this? The pulsar has an Icom female plug on one end that goes into the microphone jack and a male plug for the microphone on the other end. I put the radio into SSB mode, but when I turn the operate button (toggle swiotch) on, nothing happens.

I Googled the K4AVU pecker, but no instructions showed up. K4AVU is a silent key, so his website or any other info I could use is unavailable. -- de AL7HG Dave
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Re: Tuning Pulsar A great Product From LARRY HOFER

Post by W4PIG »

turn your vox on
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