K2DGR Donald Reinshagen Think I have been had.

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Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 5:36 pm

K2DGR Donald Reinshagen Think I have been had.

Post by KM4AH »

I posted on QTH in early December looking for an off switch for an Alpha 374A .. Rare Rare Rare
Donald called me on the phone and said he had one that he had bought and paid $40 for it and I said I would give him $50 to ship it to me which I did through PayPal. Friend and family or whatever you call it. Only $50 and hard for me to imagine anybody going to the trouble of scamming you for $50.
Anyhow, it never showed up and after New Year I called him and he said he had shipped it on Dec. 22, the day I sent the money. But, no tracking number. He said give another week and if it didn't show he would send another and gave me some details that the second switch had a problem with the flag, but better than nothing I thought. Well, it never showed up. So, I called him back on the phone maybe the 7th or 8th of Jan. He said he would get the other switch out. Well, guess what. No switch. I know he's not hacked because his PayPal address is him. Plus I've talked to him on the phone three times.
I don't have a mail box so I have to pick all mail up at the PO.. In other words, nobody stole it out of my box or off my porch.
It doesn't matter what address he used, if he got my name close to right and the ZipCode right I'll get it. I'm in the Post Office every day and I know all two people that work there.
Any other explanation I would like to hear it.
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Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 5:36 pm

Re: K2DGR Donald Reinshagen Think I have been had.

Post by KM4AH »

I think it is safe to say at this point that Reinshagen is just a crook. He obviously used this service since that is how he found me. Silence is deafening. Not sure what you do with a stolen $50 . Have fun with it I hope.
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 5:36 pm

Re: K2DGR Donald Reinshagen Think I have been had.

Post by KM4AH »

Just a bump for the lying scumbag in case somebody else has the misfortune of running in to him.
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