KG8LB not a Good Guy

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Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:23 pm

KG8LB not a Good Guy

Post by N8FVJ »

Gary Cheek KG8LB sold me per his statement a Elmac AF-67 in working condition for $150 shipped. It did not work. I relisted as not working and he bought it back on eBay for $39 + shipping. then filed damage report so I refunded him. Pictures he sent later showed no damage. He did send $100 refund later, but I am still out $125.
Last edited by N8FVJ on Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:37 pm

Re: KG8LB not a Good Guy

Post by kg8lb »

If not so pathetic this could rate as funny!

Jim purchased an Elmac AF-67. I had told him I preferred pick up but I agreed to ship this to him.
He paid $150 plus $37 actual shipping cost. The transmitter I shipped him was fully functional. It was wired to work on an Elmac PS-2V supply with 6.3 volt filament supply. Since Jim was intent on adapting a non Elmac supply with a 12.6 filament circuit he was informed, up front that he would be needing to rewire that section. This is well known by competent operators familiar with vintage gear.
He was also informed that the Elmac had been fitted with LEDs on one branch of the filament string and that would need a change when moving to 12.6 volts. All anove board and up-front.

When he received the tx he sent a few texts that soon revealed the simple wiring of the supply was a bit over his head. He soon removed and advertised the LEDs for sale.
At that point I figured he managed to make the conversion. He then went inside and replaced numerous capacitors, added a poorly done attempt at a screen regulator etc. The next "improvement" was a rattle can painting of the top with runny black paint, followed by a solvent wipe of the meter that destroyed the face.
Meanwhile I see this poor beat up Elmac turn up on eBay.
So, I bought it at his asking price. After considerable delay he finally ships it. The chassis was simply jammed into the case with none of the screws to retain it. I received the TX with extreme damage due to his childish packing. Having all the appearance of spite, I followed eBay guidelines and requested a return. The rest is on Jim.
His claim is that because he could never light all the filaments, the tx "did not work" , why then the capacitor changes, the added regulator mess and the rattle can graffiti?
A simple, civil request for help would have gotten him either some guidance or a full refund. Any one of the dozens who have purchased gear from me know 100% coverage.
This guy claims he bought 5 transmitters on QTH and "none worked" Wonder why?
OK, So where are the filters now ?
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:23 pm

Re: KG8LB not a Good Guy

Post by N8FVJ »

Nonsense. Later pictures did not show any damage. Bottom line, I am out $120 on this Ham.
Posts: 268
Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:37 pm

Re: KG8LB not a Good Guy

Post by kg8lb »

Re-read my entire original response.
Fact is I have plenty of pictures. Can forward to anybody who cares to request same.Yes, his lack of reasonable care in packing caused damage. Enough so to initiate an ebay return. I also have all related emails, dated pics of various ads he posted. Jim fails to mention the parts he removed and sold. Also fails to mention numerous , lame attempts at "modifications". One of which created a break in the filament wiring.

BTW, he now has a KWS-1 listed for sale, carefully avoids saying if, or if not it works. Be careful folks.
OK, So where are the filters now ?
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