Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

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Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by W7LSB »

Beware selling anything to Donald Weiser KG5RA. sold him a cheap radio on 12-27 and it looks like the post office lost it usps tracking # is 4207311022639434630109355026550134
buyer is totally unreasonable and wants his money back NOW!! and does not want to wait for USPS to investigate the matter. He has filed a paypal claim against me. I have filed a claim with USPS claim # 10348108 and am waiting for them to investigate the matter
Last edited by W7LSB on Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA

Post by KG5RA »

And the truth will set you free! The truth of the matter is, I bought a radio off this guy in two weeks after I paid him the money not only did I not get a radio. I did not get a refund so I had to go to PayPal and ask for a refund. This made him so freaking mad and he started to call me all kinds of names which if you guys want I can cut and paste all his emails. He was very very unprofessional and they say Ham Radio is supposed to be a gentleman‘s hobby.

This is the latest email I received from him today:
Dear Donnie Dumbass,
USPS has investigated and approved the claim on this item and will be sending me a check in a few days. Since you were such a DICK about this whole thing I will make you wait till the last possible minute to get your refund. Then you will have your money back and the radio too because I'm sure you received it and the mailman forgot to scan it. things just don't disappear without a trace. Even if you don't, maybe next time you will be a little more understanding. s**t happens and the whole world doesn't revolve around you. get a life dude
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA

Post by W7LSB »

Yep, I wrote that, and I would do it again. Nobody set out to rip him off. either the post office lost it without a trace, or he received the radio, and the mail man didn't scan it as delivered. buyer was totally nonunderstanding and treated me like I ripped him off. buyer refused to wait for the post office to investigate. I did all I could and updated him each step, yet he filed a PayPal claim on me. he filed the PayPal claim on 1-11 only 2 weeks after it was mailed. The post office approved the insurance claim today and, in a few days, when I receive the check, I will refund his money. not untill. if that makes me a bad person, well I guess I am then
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by KG5RA »

So when you buy something from somebody and it does not show up after two weeks and all you get is excuses, you begin to think that something is fishy. So yes, it is my right to file a claim of PayPal to try to get my money back. And when you file the claim with the post office, you told me I had to wait even longer to get my money back. When somebody buys an item off of somebody else, you should not have to wait a month to get your money back. So yes, I file the claim the PayPal. But your actions were totally unwarranted. It’s no wonder people have given you a bad mark on

Oh here is the first response I got from him when I filed my claim for reimbursement on PayPal:
“I see you have gone to paypal and cried to them. I guess you think rules and procedures does not apply to you. I guess next you will go on QTH and claim I ripped you off. you're a real piece of work“

So look up his call sign W7LSB and see his history. Now put my call sign in and you will see there is no history at all because I have a good standing with everybody.

One more thing, he keeps saying that I probably have the package and they forgot to scan it, but he is not smart enough to know that it would have been scanned through the distribution center here in Oklahoma before it came to my house.

So he keeps on trying to spin it like it is my fault, but I am the buyer and I am protected by PayPal from people as like you. And all the readers will understand this. So keep on opening your mouth and show everybody that type of person that you really are.
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by W7LSB »

LOl I fail to see the "EXCUSES" you got. As you and everyone can see from the tracking # (4207311022639434630109355026550134) I shipped your radio immediately. then I did everything I could to have it investigated but you wouldn't wait to see if they could find it you wanted your money back "NOW"
and PLEASE DO look at my feedback record
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by KG5RA »

Well after two weeks with no radio, yes I want my money back. And for you to tell me you do not have the $92.70 anymore that I gave you, and I have to wait another two weeks before you can pay me back, is unacceptable.

Plus all the emails where you kept accusing me of having the radio and that the mail man just forgot to scan it. I guess you are not smart enough to know the package does not go strait from your house to my house. That package is scanned at several distribution centers, before it gets to my house.

In the end you will look like the fool and I will get my $92.70 that you owe me. I guess I should have done what QTH.COM had suggested and looked up W7LSB James O Rager from 5203 N Hawthorne Spokane WA 99205, before I purchesed anything from him.
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by W7LSB »

First of all, I never told you I didn't have the $92.70 I said we will have USPS investigate and I will file an insurance claim if they can't find it. There is a process for everything, but you didn't want to follow it. YOU DEMANDED YOUR MONEY BACK!! or you would file a PayPal claim... well then, I said go ahead and file it because there is a process to a PayPal refund claim also. Looks like USPS approved the insurance claim before the PayPal process was complete so that being said, I don't want to get in the way of the PayPal refund process so I will refund your money after their process is over, normally I would have refunded you yesterday when USPS approved the insurance claim. if that makes me "look like a fool" well so be it, but in my opinion, you got what you had coming to you. I see now you have "doxed me" by posted on here my home address. did that make you feel good. wewll it was kind of redundant if you ask me because that information comes up anyway if you enter my call sign (W7LSB) but anyway that was kind of low of you, but I guess that's what kind of "WEASEL" you are. you also want people to look up my feedback. I have nothing to hide. I had one other bad experience with a parts radio I sold for $50 shipped a few years back. the buyer robbed the PA unit on it and sent it back to me and also filed a PayPal claim, but I won that one in the end. Other than that I have had great experiences on here.
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by KG5RA »

I do not know why you keep bringing up a process that I had to follow. You are the one who shipped it so that process falls on you. I am a buyer and nobody should have to wait two weeks to get their item because if they do, they should get their money back. And I guess you’re not smart enough to realize that everybody will agree with me they pay for an item they should get it in ample time. And I guess I could repost your email showing how you did not have $92.70 too send me:

Just to let you know, here's what is going to happen with your paypal claim. I will respond on the 21st and they will take a couple days to review and then decide the case in your favor, however there will still be no funds in my paypal account to send your refund and you will not get it until I have added funds. I don't foresee needing my paypal account anyway soon so I will just wait till I need it before adding any funds so you will get your refund then. had you not been such a dick i would have refunded you yesterday. try being a little more understanding next time!!!!”

Like I stated, nobody should have to wait. Two weeks to get the radio that was supposedly shipped. That is something that everybody will agree on except you.
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by W7LSB »

Somehow you seem to think just because I don't have the 92.70 in my PayPal account that I'm broke and don't have it. I rarely keep money in my PayPal account and just use my credit card thru them.
You are right nobody should have to wait on their refund but in reality, they do because before something is considered lost there has to be an investigation. you just don't seem to get that thru your little brain. you just make demands ...or else, well I don't take .... or else threats well. what if I just refunded your money and the item showed up the next day? I would be out the item and the money and a weasel like you would be happy with that.
You will get your money back but not until the claim you started with PayPal is over.
Oh and now I see that you are saying the radio was "supposedly shipped" lol everyone can see the tracking (4207311022639434630109355026550134) that it was in USPS possession on December 27, 2024, 2:51 pm
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by W7LSB »

USPS refund check has been received, and I have refunded this buyer thru PayPal. I hope next time he will follow procedure instead of crying "I WANT MY MONEY BACK NOW!!"
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Re: Donald Weiser KG5RA beware

Post by W7LSB »

This buyer just don't Quit. here is the email he sent me when I refunded him.

"It would not matter. This is chump change. If you cannot scratch your ass and pull out $500 out of your wallet, then your ass is broke. Hell I spent $127 on lunch yesterday. Chump change. Have fun reading your review."