New ICOM 746Pro Question

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New ICOM 746Pro Question

Post by KA4UPI »

I recently purchased the ICOM 746Pro Transciever 8 months ago. It is one of the "latest" serial numbers. Since purchased I have not had it on the air due to concerns of known issues with the older units. Should I attempt to do the advertised remods or just fire it up and hope for the best. For those who have one or know of these issues I would appreciate some imputs on this. If I had properly done my research I would not have purchased it but as they say that is water under the bridge now. Normally I do extensive data gathering on most items I purchase of this monetary magnitude. Would I be better off to sell or trade it before I attempt to use it or just suck it up and make the best of an uninformed purchase. This is the first HF rig that I have ever purchased brand new in the box. I guess it is like buying a new vehicle you don't what you get until after you purchase it. Next time I will get the 756Pro since they have little known issues. So anyone having purchased one of the very latest units and have it on the air I would like to know what kind of experiences they have had with theirs and any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks to all.
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Use it...

Post by K4ICL »

I had problems with a new 746 Pro. One day it just quit transmitting. Sent if to the dealer, they fixed it and put in a diode protection mod and I have had not problems since.

Don't do any mods, It might be from a run that has all of the new mods. Just use it so you can see if it develops problems BEFORE THE WARRANTY RUNS OUT.


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IC 746 Pro Question

Post by wk4kw »

The Icom America website says that all 746 Pro's with a serial number higher than 3351 have the mod included. I got one of these radio's about a month ago. The serial number is 020 5XXX. It works beautifully and I use it every day. Don't set and look at it!!!!! Just use it. If it's going to die, let it do so while you have a warranty. The website also says that anytime you return the rig for any warranty or other repair, the mod will be added if it doesn't have it. This applies to Icom certified repair stations as well as the company centers. 73 and enjoy that radio.
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Icom 746 Pro

Post by W4LWZ »

I have been using my 746 pro for about 3 1/2 years. After 18 mo. the ic 151 quit and killed the rf out. I sent it back to the dealer and it was fixed at no charge
(even though it was out of warranty). I have been using the heck out of it ever since and it runs just fine. I think that its a pretty good transceiver for the money.

Larry W4LWZ
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