Just what it says -- this is the place for any discussions not related to Buying, Selling and Trading ham gear. The discussion must be related to Ham Radio.
All of us in commercial broadcast used to see the old Conelrad transmitters in the AM stations we worked in. Where did they go, in the trash when the system was dismantled? I'm going to ask a fellow engineer tonight on 80m at our regular schedule what he thinks what has happened to them. I would love to get one to use or just for show if it cannot be moved up into the 160m band. With my luck they were scavenged for parts and the chassis thrown away.
Thanks - Fred, W4FJF.
FRED/W4FJF - EMAIL: ffuhrer@elmore.rr.com
Be careful: The toes you stomp on today may be attached to the butt you may have to kiss tomorrow!