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ICOM IC-2820 Dual Band/DSTAR Ready

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:58 pm
by AC2HQ
Good Afternoon,
I just installed a ICOM IC-2820 in my pickup truck over the weekend. I made sure that I direct wired the rig to the battery. All connections are Anderson power pole connectors. I even added an extra fuse at the battery for extra protection. The wire was run through the firewall via a rubber grommet.
Issue...The radio sounds beautiful sitting in the driveway running/full quieting even when the gas pedal is applied and backed off during operation. As soon as I back out of the driveway and proceed to drive down the roadaway. The radio starts picking up RFI as gas is applied. The noise increases and decreases with speed. When I slow down to a stop at a light or stop sign...the radio go's to full quieting again.
Called ICOM..they said to go to a guru at a audio shop and they should find the issue.I went and the shop rerouted the wire away from any electrical interference and I was on my way. As I was driving home the problem remained the same.
Any help!!!!!...I have a 20 amp DC line filter coming friday...If this doesn't work...Would someone with experience in this area know what I can do to correct the problem. The radio is awesome but the noise is bother some.
Thank You,
UPDATE...20 AMP DC Line Filter arrived this afternoon...installed per instructions closess to the transceiver...Results....No reduction in the noise level while driving and full quieting as before while parked or stopped at a light or stop sign....Perplexed to say the least....Any suggestions Please?
UPDATE-9/30/2011-13:00 HRS.-I tried another experiment to eliminate the DC line noise. I took my emergency battery and connected the power directly to it and off the truck battery power.
Results-Sitting still with engine running or off/full quieting- pull out of the driveway and the same static occurs while in motion. Once stopped/Full Quieting again. Can I now assume that the RFI is coming from the Tram 1180 Magnetic Antenna? And if so.....Whats my next step besides moving the antenna around? I now believe that the issue is RFI coming through via the antenna.
UPDATE...9/30/2011-14:00 HRS-I tried another experiment. I took the antenna off the truck completely and held it out the window while driving around my neighborhood....Results...The noise heard while driving was cut way down as compared to having the magnetic antenna on the roof of the truck. Still doesn't tell me where to go from there but there must be something to this.....
UPDATE...10/18/2011-15:00HRS.-I took the magnetic mount antenna off the top of the Suzuki Equator Extended Cab Pickup today. I purchased a new
Comet -SBB7NMO Antenna & a Comet CP-5NMO Lip Mount to mount to the rear hinge door of the pickup to make sure I eliminated the magnetic antenna and had a mount attached directed to the truck body for direct grounding.
Results....Theres no noise while the truck is running in the driveway while sitting still or with the engine off. As soon as I back out of the driveway and in motion the noise is even more noticable than the magnetic antenna. After ripping my hair out eliminating every possible cure. Where do I go from here?
I'm frustrated!!! I have never had problems trying to install a mobile unit in a truck before installing it in my 2009 Suzuki Equator Extended Cab Pickup,which is really a Nissan Frontier with different badges off the same essembly line....HELP!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:05 am
by k4kk
My thoughts in order... (free and worth every cent of it)

1. Check the "other" end ... antenna. It could be picking up something. Is it grounded to a solid bond?
2. If you are using an external speaker, put one of the clamp-on ferrite beads on that cable. Run a loop through the ferrite.
3. You can even try the ferrite bead on the power lead. It could be that the alternator is idling until you are under load (driving). You can try to force the alternator to load up while sitting by turning on lights, horn, everything that might draw current to make it switch from idle.

Icom IC-2820

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:51 am
by AC2HQ
Good Morning K4KK,
Thank you for the information concerning noise issues with the IC-2820.
I have a Tram 1180 dualband magnetic antenna sitting centered via the roof of my Suzuki Equator Extended Pickup. The SWR is excellent and i've had very good reports & it seems to be doing the job. I'll try the DC line filter and place it as close to the battery as possible and see what happens. Should that not cure the issue,I will surely try your suggestion.
BTW...Looking to move your way hopefully by summer 2012...Fort Mill/Rock Hill area.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:25 pm
by N9LCD

It sounds like you have a bad case of "alternator whine". It's not unusual. I hear it on Police and Fire vehicles. The solution used to be a heavy duty filter (not D.I.Y.) across the alternator output.

There is or there used to be a description of the problem & cure in the League's handbook.





Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:37 pm
by AC2HQ
Hi Jerry,
I will check the handbook to see if the information still exists.
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:16 am
Hi John
I doubt the noise in question is alternator related as it only occurs when vehicle in moving & varies with speed.I,d look at it coming from ABS system,"wheel speed sensors or speedometer,as speedo cables are becoming extinct.put it on a lift or 4 jack stands & take her for a spin.If its still occurs start unpluging speed sensors and test drive again.noise is probably like a varible speed woodpecker caused by pulses from speed sensors to ABS control unit.You could always shield sensor cable with foil covered Duct Tape grounding it at both ends."Redneck Shielding"
73 4 & gdlk


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:42 am
by AC2HQ
Good Morning Paul,
Thank you very much for your suggestion. At this point in time any help is appreciated. I have been around rthe track a few times and still can't seem to get rid of the noise.


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:36 pm
by AC2HQ
Good Afternoon Albert,
The truck does have cruise control but it is never used. Thank you for your suggestion.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:44 pm
by N9LCD

KV3LMV's comment range a bell with me.

If you have ABS, do you have something on your truck called "ASR", automatic engine speed regulation? It's a form of electronic linkage between the gas pedal and the throttle plate in the carburetor. It also works with your ABS, reducing engine speed when the braking system cuts in.

Also does your truck have a "central control module"? That's kind of a computer that receives input from sensors, door ajar, lamp defective, etc., and drives the displays / readouts.

Either one may be generating noise.




Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:07 pm
by AC2HQ
Hi Jerry,
The truck does have ABS and the Central Control System but I have no idea about the ASR.
I tried another experiment this afternoon after finding that using an emergency battery and dis-connecting from the trucks battery. It didn't change a thing as far as noise while driving.
I tried this....I pulled the antenna off the truck completely. Then hooked it up and held the antenna by the magnetic base while driving around my neighborhood. Thank goodness I live in a rural area and not many neighbors were laughing. Anyway...Results were that the noise generated from the moving truck were far less than on the truck. I'm asking myself what that represents.
I appreciated your help and everyone who has contributed to helping me find a resolution to this issue. Hopefully I will find out whats causing the snowy noise.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:44 am
Hi John
have you tried road testing while on jack could walk the antenna around the vehicle & look for strongest signal.Hood hinges make lousy ground straps,ie ford mtr co products need additional bonding straps to suppress rfi through the hood.
Happy Snipe Hunting


Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:09 am
by AC2HQ
Hi Paul,
Thank you for the suggestion listed above concerning my RFI issue. I would agree that may have to be the next step in resolving my problem.Would you agree after testing with no direct power connected from the truck that the issue is antenna related? It seems that something is backing through the antenna system.
Anyway..thank again for your help Paul...

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:29 am
by k4kk
As I noted, the antenna is often the culprit. Since it is a mag-mount, the ground bond may be weak. That doesn't mean to discard it. First try moving it around the vehicle (even in the bed) and see if it changes. If nothing else works, you may need to consider another mount configuration.


Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:56 am
by AC2HQ
Good Morning Edwin,
I believe your correct after having exhausted everything that has been suggested. I moved the antenna around the truck on the roof but don't have the ability to move it elsewhere on this truck. The truck has protective non-metalic caps on the side rails/tail gate/bed has a bed liner.
I actually took the antenna off the truck and held it outside the drivers window down, while driving slowly around my neighborhood and found a great reduction in noise.
Thank you very much for the suggestion. Hopefully theres a resolution other than drilling a hole in the truck. I have never had to do it before,thats why this is so frustrating.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:58 am
by W0AAT
Try grounding the exhaust system to the body.


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:31 pm
by AC2HQ
Good Morning,
Thank you for the suggestion
73,John AC2HQ

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:34 pm
by k9yli
I had similar problem with my 82 diesel olds.
some tricks.. disconnect both leads to the alternator.
then its just a piece of spinning metal.

also disconnect the heater blower. (my problem_)
blower is always on low in american cars..

whine changed with engine speed. bad blower. ..

grab another antenna and leave the coax long enough to walk arond the car
when up on jacks.

use or borrow an HT.. have passenger help.. hang it out different windows.


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:56 pm
by AC2HQ
Hi Donald,
I tried the last 3 to no avail but I appreciate the suggestions.