In general, have had excellent results trading on the internet. However, I allways cringe a little bit on each deal hopeing that the other party will be satisfied. I have learned to pack things well enough that shipping damage should not be an issue, however sometimes **** happens!
When that does, my first response is send it back for a full refund (including your return shipping) ! Everything I ship is tested right before it goes in box and all boards are marked inconspicuously. Yeh, I have had one guy try to pull a board swap on me, he DID NOT get his money or the rig back! He complained, but after I explained about the fraud statutes that was the last I heard from him.
While its always nice to deal only with people you know and trust, that isn't allways possible if you are looking for any "good deals"! I often buy stated broken rigs to repair or for parts, can't usually go wrong on those. After all, that's about what you are usually doing at hamfests. When was the last time someone at a hamfest told you a rig wasn't working?
I have seen many people say they would never buy a rig from someone without a callsign. In these days of crackerjack box licenses, a call sign means nothing! Much excellent equipment comes into the marketplace from the people that frequent the estate and garage sales. (How about a Collins 51S1 for $5)? If it wasn't for these people a lot of equipment would end up in land fills!
However, when someone posts an ad with terrible spelling and grammar, yet claims they have really great equipment, I do get suspicious. I usually try to get in telephone contact with them to try and size up the transactions possibilities!
For one last rant, when will hams learn the two biggest scams?
1: Insurance protects the shipper, not the recipient. This is a legal contract entered into between the shipper and carrier. The carrier will only pay the shipper!. The only responsibility the recipient has is to notify the carrier and present the evidence of damage. As such, cost of insurance "SHOULD" be paid by the shipper.
2: 6 months left on warranty, blank warranty card, etc. Very few warranties are transferable beyond the original purchaser. That is certainly the case with Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu. If you don't have the original sales receipt in your name you don't have a warranty! PERIOD!
John Lovallo