Tilt tower
Tilt tower
I have a Rohn 60 Ft tower that I want to tilt from 30 ft. up. With some kind of winch system. I was wondering if anybody makes a kit for this purpose. I'm getting too old to take my tower down everytime I want to adjust the antenna. I know they make this kind of tower but they cost an arm and leg. Tnx.
Tilt tower
Just went to the Rohn website and there is a tilt tower in their 'products' section of the website. Maybe just started making them again.
I had thought of doing exactly what your thinking of and the only way we(ham friend) could figure out how to do it was i'd have to mount a heavy metal post and fix a wench to it, then to the tower. I'm sure that would have worked but just never did it as i had a carport built right where the Tower would have laid down at. But maybe that idea we had will work for you.
Larry Huff K0pd
Tilt tower
What I thought I would do is make 2 inserts that would fit into the tower at 30 feet and weld a steel pipe about 20 ft long and attache a winch to that pipe and pull the last 30 feet up. The 2 inserts will have to be something like a strong hinge. I think that is what the last gentleman was talking about. TNX.
tilt tower
Tnx for the info but my budget won't allow me to spend that kind of money. I would have to re-configure my base and buy a new base plate.