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Yaesu VX-7 Receive Issue?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:17 am
by marty_wittrock

I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen this issue with a VX-7 HT on receive. The VX-7 has a Main-level receiver and a Sub-level receiver in the same HT. My Main-level receiver has weak receive, yet my Sub-level receiver has EXCELLENT receive when I switch between the Main and the Sub for the same 2m (or other) frequency. What's startling is that I can retune the Main receiver to a WX channel (in my area 162.475 MHz is active) and the receive is weak, yet when I retune the Main to the FM band (an active freq there is 107.9 MHz) the receive is strong and in great shape. I also found that when the Main is tuned to a 2m frequency (in my case that's 146.745 MHz) and I use WFM mode, the receive signal is better (a little stronger) than it is in NFM mode. In NFM mode on the 2m frequency it's just not readable - weak.

I see in the technical manual that there's 5 front ends for this HT and they're shared between the Main and Sub receivers - so there's no issue with a blown front end (that eliminates that - I think).

Has anyone seen this issue with their (or anyone elses) VX-7? Let me know - I'm not ready to throw in the towel and may opt to repair this HT if it's possible. If anyone knows a reputable place that repairs HTs like the VX-7, let me know that, too.

Thanks es 73 de Marty, KN0CK