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Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:59 pm
You may notice, from time to time, ads regarding "get rich quick schemes" and other non-ham related information. I do not allow this type of advertising, however sometimes people ignore the rules and post such ads anyway. Recently, I made a change to the Place An Ad page, which asks a simple ham radio-related question (What is the number that hams use to represent the phrase 'Best Regards'?). If the user does not know this answer, the system will not allow them to place the ad. This small addition has nearly eliminated the spam and non-ham ads. For the few that sneak by, I have a number of volunteers that are watching the classifieds for me, and they have the ability to delete such ads, if needed. If you ever see an ad that does not belong, please e-mail

E-Mail hiding via "Contact This Person"

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:54 pm
Scott, kudos to you :D for evolving so that users e-mail addys are not visible and therefore able to be "data mined". My XYL, KA8HQJ, and I are so tired of spam (as is everyone). Intend to use the site, and not some others, to sell a couple of amplifiers for this very reason.


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:55 pm
by AB8RU
Yes I went to a non ham web site ( Broadcasting ) and suddenly a spam wound up there get rich quick, :x

Really disgusting.

Thats what I like ABT Ham web sites at least they are well maintained. :D