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Nube with a Kenwood TS 830

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 12:12 am
by Jim Sayer
I got my ticket, a hand me down 830, and trying to get on the air.
My problem is the 830 takes a four prong microphone adapter and all the current microphones come including my MC 60, with a 7 or 8 prong connector.

What I need is an old MC 50 microphone out of someones junk pile or one willing to sell cheap. Anyone have one?
I could go out and purchase a fancy-shmany rig, with all the bells and whistles but I would rather grow into that as my skills develop.

Kenwood made an adapter at one point, but no longer.


Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 2:21 pm
by lhk0pd
Jim you could remove the mic end on the microphone and replace it with a 4 pin. Also you can find adapters on E bay. I also believe some one has been advertising adapters on QTH. Not that hard to find and buy a Mic with the 4 pin mic connecter for a Kenwood.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:00 pm
by k9yli
better yet get a short piece of 4 conductor wire, a 4 pin plug to fit and a 8 pin socket..
wire up to match the proper lines..

Mic hot

Mic common
Shield and /or PTT common..

dont butcher the mic connector as you may want it normal later.

always build adapters....